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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Stephen J. Whelan
Will of Stephen J. Whelan Parish Priest
from Newfoundland will books volume 12
pages 462-463 probate year 1923
In re
This is my last Will and Testament written by me on this Ninth day
of March nineteen hundred and twenty two.
The first payment out of
my Estate is the trust money, list of which accompanies this. The
next payment to be all my debts. My policy in the K of C belongs to my father
as he is named beneficiary. One thousand dollars goes to the parish divided
between N. River and Bay Roberts according to population. One thousand dollars
Masses for my intention. All books to Father Casey, likewise
cases, Desk, safe, fur coat & any other clothes he requires from among
mine. Edison to R.
H. Kennedy, Piano to Annie Curran, Motor car to Stephen
Morrissey and
Tom Curran. The residue of my estate to be divided in three six
parts, three parts to my sister Mrs. J. M. Curran, two parts to my adopted
sister Mrs Philip Morrissey, one part to the Parish’s
greatest work. S.J. WHELAN P.P.
North River
9th 1922 over
My estate should consist of -
| |
| Owed me by Govt on T & J Dunn re Labrador Supplies 1921 | $1200. |
| .. |
. |
Brenda Morrissey | .. |
.. |
300. |
| .. |
. |
Rich Morrissey | ... | ... | .. | 165. |
| .. |
. | Jacob Hall of Jacob |
.. | .. | .. | 200. |
1 Endowment, Insurance Policy, common shares on stock in U.T.E.Co. and
Avol Tel Co.
Bonds & Pref shares same companies, shares in capital
life, shares in mining prospect & timber limits, money on current
acct Bank of Nova Scotia. I have no money on deposit, nor any other Insurance
policy to which I am entitled. S.J.W.
Monies held- trust by me and first charge on my estate. | |
| Mrs John Kavanagh (Aunt Ann) |
$400. |
| Mrs James Fleming Bay Roberts | 400. |
| Dummy O Rourke | 300. |
| Mrs Tobie English |
65. |
| Mrs Alice Mahoney |
$ 60. |
| Children of W. Dawson of Stephen Bay Roberts |
50.00 |
| Mrs Mary Ann Hurly | 80. |
North River
March 9th 1922 S.J. WHELAN.
William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland
(Listed in the margin of this will)
Fiat Nov 3/23
Kent J.
Adm C.T.A.
granted to
Kathleen R.
Nov 5/23.
Estate sworn
at $11.730.78
| |
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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