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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Claudius Watts


Will of Claudius Watts
from Newfoundland will books volume 8 pages 548 to 551 probate year 1909

In re
      Claudius Watts          deceased.

      The last will and testament of Claudius Watts of Harbor Grace being of sound and disposing mind and memory blessed be God therefor do make this my last will and testament    I do hereby give and bequeath to my Eldest daughter Mary Watts Parsons five hundred dollars for her own special use and benefit independent of her husband James Henry Parsons of Harbor Grace over which he shall have no control and she shall have the right to spend or bequeath it in any way that she may think proper and no part of it undisposed of by her shall come in to the possession of any of her husbands relations or assigns but shall be equitably divided amongst her own relatives but should she predecease me this bequest shall be null and void.

I give and bequeath to my two granddaughters Mary Lilias Norris wife of William Norris of Invercargill South Island, New Zealand and her sister Zela Druscilla Tait now residing in Christchurch Canterbury New Zealand they being the daughters of my daughter Zela Druscilla by her husband William Tait both of whom have long been dead, two hundred and fifty dollars each for their own special use and benefit free from the control of husband or any other person or persons whomsoever But should Zela D Tait predecease me and leave no child the bequest to her of $250 shall be null.

I give and bequeath to my eldest son Horatio John his wife and their children five hundred dollars ($500) as follows, two hundred dollars for himself, sixty dollars to his wife and sixty dollars to each of their four children viz Mary Zela Clinton, Lizzie Strathie Jeanne Claudia and Theodore John making in all five hundred dollars $500.00 as above

I give and bequeath to my daughter in law Jane or Jeannie the widow of my decease son Theodore Thomas the interest accruing from my Government Debenture Bond No 118 for one thousand dollars at four per cent (4%) pr annum payable half yearly, but she shall have no power or right to sell or dispose of the said bond but the Executors to my will shall do so when Theodores youngest child shall attain to the age of eighteen years the said Debenture Bond shall revert to my youngest son Henry Corbin to dispose of as he shall deem proper (as he will have most of the trouble with his brother Theodores widow and children) I also give and bequeath to my said daughter in law Jane three hundred dollars ($300) to run over a period of five years in five equal yearly payments or for greater convenience to her payable half yearly.    This with the interest on the Debenture Bond of forty dollars per annum will give her one hundred dollars pr annum or fifty dollars for each Six months of the five years, such is my will. But should Jeannie or Jane re-marry all her right or claim to any portion or share of my money shall cease but Theodore’s children shall have the benefit of it so far to each for their support & education as shall be fair and equitable giving the preference to the girls if unmarried or either of them There are two boys and two girls - the two boys Claude & Rupert are the oldest, the names of the girls are Zela Mercedes and Belle    They are all to be trained & Educated as Wesleyans.

I give and bequeath to my youngest son Henry Corbin all and singular the land purchased by me, several years ago from the late Capt Thomas Green with all the rights and privileges thereto appertaining for ever and also the sum of twelve hundred dollars ($1200) for his own special use and benefit but he has to assist and care for his brother Theodore’s children and their mother provided she does not re-marry, until the boys shall be able to work for themselves and her.

I give and bequeath to my niece Mrs. Julia Luther twenty dollars for her own use & benefit

Jeannie is to have the forty dollars annual interest on my Debenture Bond No 118 until her youngest child shall have attained Eighteen years old (18 yrs) J. E. Theodores youngest daughter Belle or youngest surviving child.

I give and bequeath all my household furniture - bed bedding books wearing apparel &c to my youngest son the before named Henry Corbin with the exception of my metal teapot which I gave to his sister Mary many years ago. My eldest son Horatio John has promised to contribute to the support of his brothers widow and children and to their Education and future well being

Any money that I may leave at my death over and above the payment of the legacies hereby made and bequeathed shall be put to the best use for the benefit of all concerned or be equitably divided amongst my surviving children of which Theodore’s children shall have a fair portion to be kept in reserve for them    It is my wish that the legacies herein named be paid as soon after my demise as convenient

I hereby appoint my two sons Horatio John and Henry Corbin as executors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the tenth day of October in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred - 1900 - Claudius Watts (LS)     The above instrument of one sheet was at the date thereof declared to us by the testator Claudius Watts in the presence of each of us and was by him declared to be his last will & testament and we at his request sign our names hereto as witnesses in the presence of each other     D Morison     W. H. Peters

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Feb. 13/09
Feb 16/09
to Horatio
J Watts
Henry C.
sworn at

Thank you to Jane Dempster who provided some clarification on the family names contained in paragraphs 2 & 3.



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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