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Will of William Walters In re Burgoynes Cove August 1st 1907
This is my last will and testament of me William Walters of Lance Cove
Smith’s sound I am this day of a sound mind good understanding
and possessing all my natural abilities. I give and bequeath of all my
estate as I shall be possesd of at my death as follows! My Land is to
be equally shared between my four sons James Walters Japhet Walters
Seth Walters & Joseph Walters. It is my request that not one foot of same
is ever to be sold out of the name Walters My Land I own which is at Trinity I give to my son James but if either
of the other three sons with to dwell or live at Trinity he is to have
the land as his own & his part of the land situated at Lance cove
shall be given up to my son James instead thereof. My Land at Trinity
is bounded on the north by Charles Walters & on the south by Robert
Walters on the west by a cliff. It is never to be sold like
that at Lance Cove. Certified correct, (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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