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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
William P. Walsh


Will of William P. Walsh
from Newfoundland will books volume 9 pages 89-91 probate year 1910

In re
      William P. Walsh          deceased.

      In the Name of God Amen I William P. Walsh of St. Johns Newfoundland declare this to be my last will and testament revoking all former wills and testaments if any    I bequeath my soul to god my body to the earth and all my worldly good and possession as follows all my just and lawful debts to be paid by my Executors
      The income from all my property     I may die possessed of I bequeath to my unmarried daughter Agnes during her life or spinsterhood for her sole use, also all cash to my credit in Newfoundland Savings Bank for her current expenses, subject to the under mentioned bequests, at her marriage or death my Estate to be realized and divided equally share and share alike among my grandchildren or their heirs    In the event of my Daughter Agnes marrying she is to receive as a marriage portion the House now occupied by me 207 Gower St. with all the Household furniture contained therein
If my Executors in their wisdom decide to dispose of my shares in the institutions I give them power to do so the proceeds to be invested in Newfoundland debentures for the for the benefit of my heirs     My Houses or Land property not to be sold until the winding up of my Estate among my papers will be found a note for $1500 from my son in law L Keegan which I paid for him at the Union Bank which note I cancel and release him from payment of in consideration of professional services rendered me and my family the past fifteen years
My Max donation to orphanages and Charitable Societies I wish my daughter Agnes to continue in memory of me    As my daughter Margaret Edens received no regular marriage portion from me. ---- Sometime since I made a deed of Gift of my Military Road property for benefit of her and her childe    I now confirmed the same

Grandchildren Edward and Hugh Garland Dublin $500 ----
Mrs. Anne Kent 1000
Mrs Mary Keegan   400
Mrs Margaret Edens   400
St. Joseph Church Hoylestown   100
Mt. Cashel Orphanage   150
Belvedere Orphanage   150
Vincent de Paul Society Mens   100
Vincent de Paul Society Ladies   100
Father Fyme     50
Father McDermott     50

This amt is on deposit in Bank of Montreal I hereby appoint my Sons in Law Thomas J Edens Lawrence E Keegan and James M. Kent my executors of this my last will and Testament Given under my hand this this Twenty eight day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nine     William P. Walsh

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Mar. 2/10
C. J.
Mar 3/10
to T. J.
Edens L.
E. Keegan
James M.
sworn at



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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