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Will of Andrew Lawrence Walsh Last Will and Testament of Last will and Testament of me Andrew Lawrence Walsh of Stock Cove, being in sound state of mind do hereby make my last will and testament. To my brother Michael Walsh I leave what ever money I am possessed of which is about Three hundred and Seventy dollars (less twenty dollars to my Aunt Mary Walsh to be deducted from the Three hundred and Seventy before mentioned. To my brother Thos Walsh I leave the garden called Maddocks River My other three gardens that I inherited from my father I give and bequeath to my brother Michael Walsh his heirs or assigns for ever. From the amount I have given to my brother Michael Walsh Forty dollars is to be deducted for my burial and the remainder to be used for Masses for my soul. My share of the waterside property to be divided between my two brothers Thos and Michael. To my brother Michael Walsh I leave my half of the dwelling house we now occupy left me by my Father and also my one third of all the stores and stable that we own (my one third means share left me by my Father) I appoint John McGrath J.P. of King's Cove Executor and he to manage my affairs witness my hand at Stock Cove this fourth day of August A.D. eighteen hundred and ninety three. (Sgd) Andrew L. Walsh. Signed in the presence of (sgd) John McGrath J. P. Merchant Kings Cove. (Sgd) C. G. Levescombe M.D. I certify the foregoing to be a correct copy of the last will and Testament of Andrew L. Walsh deceased Registrar (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Sheila Tiberio, Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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