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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
James Wallace


Will of James Wallace
from Newfoundland will books volume 10 pages 291-292 probate year 1915

In re
      JAMES WALLACE       deceased.

      This is the last will and testament of me James Wallace of St. John’s Newfoundland.    I hereby revoke all former wills and testaments made by me at any time whatsoever, and I appoint as my executors Right Reverend Monsignor Roche, Administrator of the Archdiocese of St. John’s, and my brother Patrick Wallace of St. John’s.     I will bequeath, and devise the house in which I live on Livingstone St. and the reversion of the land in Livingstone St at present occupied by William Lampen, to my sister Margaret Wallace during her lifetime, and after her death to my brother Patrick Wallace or as he may by his will appoint I leave the ground to the east of my residence in Livingstone St. at present occupied by my sister Alice Kearney, to my said sister Alice Kearney.     My five shares in the Thatin S.S. Co. I leave to my brother Patrick Wallace.     My shares in the Colonial Investment and LOAN Co. of Montreal I leave to my brothers Patrick and Thomas Wallace, sixty three (63) of the said shares to my brother Patrick and sixty-two (62) to my brother Thomas.    I leave one thousand dollars ($1000.00) to Mount Cashel Orphanage.    One thousand dollars ($1000.00) to be invested in Government Debentures, the interest to go for a High Mass every year for the repose of my soul.    One thousand dollars ($1000.00) to my sister Alice Kearney.    One thousand dollars ($1000.00) I leave to my Executors in trust to advance to my niece Mary Broderick from time to time such portions thereof as she may need.    In the event of any portion of the said sum remaining unexpended at her death, then in trust to apply the same for the benefit of her children then surviving.    One thousand dollars ($1000.00) to my brother Patrick Wallace.    One thousand dollars ($1000.00) to my sister Margaret Wallace.    Five hundred dollars ($500.00) and my gold watch to my nephew William Kearney.    Five hundred dollars ($500.00) to my nephew William Wallace.    My Insurance in the Star of the Sea Society to my sister Margaret.    I direct that all my lawful bills be paid.    The residue, if any, I wish to be divided between my nephews William Kearney and William Wallace-     Dated at St. John’s this 13th day of November 1914.     James Wallace.    Signed by the testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us present at the same time who in his presence at his request and in presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses, E.P.Roche, Witness.    P. J. Denier, Witness.

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Jan 9/15
Emerson J.
Jany 11/15
granted to
Rt Rev E.P.
Roche & Patk
Estate sworn
at $12753.57



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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