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Will of Honora Sweetman In re This is the last will and testament of me Honora Sweetman of Placentia in the Southern District widow being now of sound mind memory and understanding I the said Honora Sweetman Do hereby give devise and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Mary J Verran of Placentia aforesaid, widow of the late Harry Thomas Verran, Mining Engineer all the lands messuages tenements with their appurtenances and all the chattels real and personal and all the goods money furniture and every property of which I may die possessed To Have and To Hold the same and every part thereof unto the said Mary J Verran her executors administrators and assigns for ever without the hindrance or interference of any one whosoever I hereby nominate and appoint the said Mary J Verran sole executrix of this may last will and testament hereby revoking any other or former will or wills by me made. Dated at Placentia in the Island of Newfoundland this ninth day of July in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety two Honora her X mark Sweetman Signed by the said Honora Sweetman by her affixing her mark thereto published and declared in the presence of us who in the presence of the said Honora Sweetman and in the presence of each other the said will having been read over and explained to the said Honora Sweetman in our presence, and signed by us as witnesses at her request Thos J Kough Kate Kough Certified correct, (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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