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Ferryland - District Court Actions

Late 1700's to Early 1800's
Sorted Alphabetical by Surname

Part 2
Surnames - D to G

September 28, 1829 Daulton, John Testified in Walsh vs Congdon  
September 17-30, 1788 Dauton, Patrick Fined £5 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
????, 1793 Davis, John Deserted from the ship"Monarch".  
October 13, 1791 Dawton, Garrett Dispute over fish arbitrated by court  
September 17-30, 1788 Day, William Fined £5 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
October 9, 1794 de Heaume, Edward Member of jury in Hill vs Shannahan and Dwyer  
October 12, 1792 DeHaume, Edward Member of jury  
October 13, 1794 DeHeaume, Edward Sued this person and his crew for ramming and stoving in his little boat while entering the Pool in Ferryland: Hoskin, Matthew
September 17-30, 1788 Delahenty, John Fined £2 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
October 14, 1830 Delahunty, Catherine Sued: Norris, Thomas
September 17-30, 1788 Dellin, John Fined £5 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
July 18, 1797 Denison, James Testified in Kelly and Doyle vs Huolahan  
September 20, 1806 Deringwater(Drinkwater), William Was found not guilty because he had not left his house on the night of alleged assault.  
December 1, 1834 Devereaux, Michael Licenced to sell liquor in Ferryland.  
February 23, 1835 Devereaux, Michael Appointed surveyor of high ways in Ferryland  
October 17, 1801 Diley, Tobias Master of the"Rachel"  
September 17-30, 1788 Dillen, Richard Fined £5 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
June 6, 1791 Dillon, ??? Supplied this person but not paid: Butler, Edmond
October 9, 1792 Dillon, John Sued this person for money owed: Butler, Edmund
January 17, 1791 Dodd, ??? Agent for: Wickins, William
January 17, 1791 Dodd, Thomas Charged with cutting down flake in Fermeuse belonging to: Leigh, Philip and Co.
October 26, 1791 Doherty, William Servant of : Walker, George
May ??, 1806 Dolenty, ??? Sued: Poubret, ???
February 23, 1835 Donnovan, Daniel Member of petty jury in Mahan vs Connors  
February 23, 1835 Donnovan, Daniel Member of petty jury in Shannahan vs Mountain.  
March 15, 1797 Doody, David Testified in Coryear vs Magee  
May 20, 1791 Doolahonty, Roger Stole fish in 1790. Banished from the district.  
June 6, 1791 Doolahonty, Timothy Ordered to survey stage head in Brigus  
September 17-30, 1788 Doolen, James Fined £10.10.6 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
September 17-30, 1788 Doolen, Philip Fined £11.7, all his wages and transportation home to Ireland for his part in religious riot of 1788  
October 20, 1788 Doolen, Philip Negotiated a relief from corporal punishment but agreed to be shipped home.  
September 17-30, 1788 Doolin, James In addition to being fined this person was banished from district and people were forbidden to feed or house him.  
November 6, 1788 Doolin, James Fined for unspecified offense  
September 17-30, 1788 Doolin, Philip In addition to being fined this person was banished from district and people were forbidden to feed or house him. Gave himself up.  
September 3, 1795 Dowling, Philip Sued this agent of Matthew Morry and Co. to recover wages seized. Dowling got drunk in Ferryland. Head, Thomas
April ??, 1807 Doyle, ??? Sued: Karney, ???
September 17-30, 1788 Doyle, James Fined £4.10 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
October 29, 1795 Doyle, John Sued this person to recover half of his wages seized by: Tucker, William (Jr.)
July 18, 1797 Doyle, John Sued this person for breaking shipping contract: Huolahan, Patrick
March 13, 1802 Doyle, Michael Struck a servant of this person under orders from him: Meagher, Thomas
January 6, 1796 Doyle, Peter Sued this person: Purcell, John
January 6, 1796 Doyle, Peter Sued this person: Welsh, Thomas
January 6, 1796 Doyle, Peter Sued this person: Campen, William
August 15, 1831 Doyle, William This Brigus resident was charged with assaulting his servant: Power, Richard
March 24, 1787 Drew, John Appointed constable for Renews  
September 17-30, 1788 Drew, John Fined £2 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
August 11, 1794 du Heaume, Edward Jury member in Gibbs vs Knox, Hill and Studdy  
August 15, 1829 Duggan, James Assaulted by: Mackey, Michael
June 4, 1795 Duggan, Margaret Sued to recover wages from: Kenny, Margaret
January 10, 1835 Duggan, Michael Complained that he was wrongly accused of giving away his master's wood. His master was: Kirrivan, Thomas
January 10, 1835 Duggan, Michael Accused of giving away wood to: Hayley, Ned
March 11, 1806 Dulahanty, John Charged with shooting on the sabbath  
August 15, 1831 Dulhanty, John Charged with stealing mackerel from this person: Brodrick, William
April 5, 1797 Dullanty, John Sued this person to recover debt owed: Ryan, James
March 5, 1803 Dullanty, Richard Sued: Meagher, Thomas
February 23, 1835 Dullenty, John Member of petty jury in Shannahan vs Mountain.  
November 6, 1788 Dunavan, Daniel Fined for unspecified offense  
September 25, 1787 Dunavan, Timothy Charged with not having a master for the season. Ordered deported to Ireland.  
October 9, 1792 Dunfie, James Owed  this person  £2.6: Shortall, James
April 11, 1791 Dunfie, Patrick Said he was struck by: Collins, Andrew
April 11, 1791 Dunfie, Patrick Said he was struck by: Calahan, Martin
April 11, 1791 Dunfie, Patrick Said he was struck by: Neal, William
September 22, 1786 Dunn, ??? Sued: Riedel, ????
September 22, 1786 Dunn, ??? Accused this person of stopping his supplies: Riedel, ????
December 1, 1834 Dunn, Bryan Sued: Wright, Thomas
September 17-30, 1788 Dunn, John Fined £5 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
March 14, 1791 Dunn, Mary Petitioned the court to order her husband to pay her support: Dunn, Timothy
September 17-30, 1788 Dunn, Robert Fined £1.1 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
September 28, 1787 Dunn, Timothy Worked for: Riedel, John
September 17-30, 1788 Dunnavan, Daniel Fined £5 for his part in religious riot of 1788. Not paid. He ran away.  
November 19, 1804 Dunphy, ??? Charged this person with taking down his fence. Buckley said the garden belonged to his late father and this person had now married his mother and claimed the garden. Buckley ordered to build a new fence: Buckley, ???
July 26, 1798 Dunphy, Edmund Sued to collect money owed by: Quinn, Stephen
July 26, 1798 Dunphy, Edmund Sued to collect money owed by: Kerevan, Maurice
January 7, 1798 Dunphy, Edmund Granted a liquor licence for Brigus  
January 1, 1799 Dunphy, Edmund Granted aliquor licence for Brigus  
January 1, 1801 Dunphy, Edmund Granted a liquor licence for Brigus  
January 1, 1802 Dunphy, Edmund Granted a liquor licence for Brigus  
January 1, 1803 Dunphy, Edmund Granted a liquor licence for Brigus  
January 1, 1804 Dunphy, Edmund Granted a liquor licence for Brigus  
January 1, 1805 Dunphy, Edmund Granted liquor licence in Brigus  
September 25, 1786 Dunphy, Edward Testified in Clancey vs Migault and said that this person did not mark sheep: Carroll, John
September 17-30, 1788 Dunphy, John Fined £5 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
September 25, 1786 Dunsterville, Edward Jury member in Leigh vs Larey  
September 25, 1786 Dunsterville, Peter Jury member in Leigh vs Larey  
December 13, 1830 Durney, Matthew Sued: Coady, John
January 6, 1796 Dutton, Michael Sued this person to recover money owed: Berrigan, Edmund
January 6, 1796 Dutton, Michael Sued this person to recover money owed: Brien, James
November 8, 1798 Dutton, Michael Sued: Berrigan, Edmund
November 14, 1803 Dutton, Michael Was surgeon in Ferryland District during 1778-1779.  
October 27, 1797 Dwyer, Anstice Sued this agent of George and Thomas Kough for wages owed. She had worked as a header, on the flakes and as cook for shore crew: Kelly, Cornelius
October 26, 1791 Dwyer, Edmond Servant of : Walker, George
September 17-30, 1788 Dwyer, John Fined £1 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
September 17-30, 1788 Dwyer, Laurence Fined £8.10 and Transportation to Ireland. Ran away from James Kennedy of Brigus.  
November 6, 1788 Dwyer, Laurence Fined for unspecified offense  
September 25, 1786 Dwyer, Michael Testified in Clancey vs Migault and said this person marked the sheep with a cross: Barry, John
October 26, 1791 Dwyer, Richard Servant of : Walker, George
October 9, 1794 Dwyer, Thomas Dispute over fish cured in Capeland Bay for: Hill and Co
October 9, 1792 Dwyer, Thomas Sued: Shortall, James
October 12, 1792 Dwyer, Thomas Sued this person to collect outstanding debt: Murphy, Edward
October 12, 1792 Dwyer, Thomas Sued this person to collect outstanding debt: Sliney, Thomas
October 8, 1833 Dwyer, William Bound to the peace by: Curreen, Martin
????, 1791 Eades, John This person along with his wife and children were destitute and were sent home to Waterford , Ireland in the Brig "Cumberland", captained by: Morry, Richard of the Port of Dartmouth
September 23, 1786 Eales, John Clerk for: Holdsworth, Arthur and Co.
February 24, 1794 Eales, Richard Member of jury in Jenkins attempted rape case.  
October 12, 1792 Elliott, ??? Agent for : Moysey and Co.
December 2, 1799 Elliott, George Sued for rent due on fishing rooms in Capeland Bay: Ryan, Matthew
August 1, 1791 Elliott, John Charged this person with misspending his time: Londragon, John
December 20, 1793 Elliott, John Bid at the auction of fishing room belonging to : Sullivan, John
September 23, 1786 Elson, James Sued: Messer, ???
August 26, 1830 Elworthy, George Beaten and turned away by his master in Cape Broyle: Clift, Noah
October 26, 1791 English, Michael Servant of : Walker, George
April 13, 1787 Eustace, Robert This Renews resident owned fish involved in dispute between Welsh and Benger  
February 28, 1791 Evans, Richard Complained to Nicholas Brand that this person was passing counterfeit money: Byen, Samuel
February 23, 1835 Evans, Robert Appointed surveyor of high ways in Renews  
January 1, 1799 Evoy, Elenor  (Widow) Granted a liquor licence for Ferryland  
June 19, 1798 Evoy, Michael Sued for money owing by: Mountain, William
July 9, 1798 Evoy, Michael Held wages of this person for Thomas Welsh : Furlong, John
January 7, 1798 Evoy, Michael Granted a liquor licence for Ferryland  
September 6, 1830 Fahey, Mary Sued this person to colect debt owed: Sinnot, Thomas
September 17-30, 1788 Fahey, Philip Fined £2 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
September 17-30, 1788 Farrel, Edmond Fined £5 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
October 9, 1792 Farrell, James Worked for this Renewse resident: Drew, Thomas
September 26, 1786 Fenesy, ??? Charged this person with not paying his servants: Leigh, ???
November 29, 1802 Fennelly, John Servant of this person given bad bread by master: Hutchings, Richard
March 26, 1787 Fenor, alter Attended Shea's party  
March 26, 1787 Fenor, William (Sen) Testified in Hogan vs Shea  
January 17, 1791 Fenton, Thomas Servant of this person testified in Young vs Tree Tree, Francis
January 6, 1796 Fenton, Thomas Sued this person: Purcell, John
January 6, 1796 Fenton, Thomas Sued this person: Welsh, Thomas
January 6, 1796 Fenton, Thomas Sued this person: Campen, William
January 1, 1811 Fewer, ??? Charged this person with neglect of duty: Power, ???
September 17-30, 1788 Fewer, Andrew Fined £5 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
December 8, 1829 Fewer, Mary Sued this person: Treanor, William
September 17-30, 1788 Fewer, Walter Fined £5 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
August 9, 1830 Findlay, Patrick Sued this person for a debt of   £2. The person failed to appear in court. Hogan, Nicholas
January 1, 1788 Fitzgerald, Edmond Constable for John Hill's Rooms in Ferryland  
October 8, 1795 Fitzgerald, Maurice Member of jury in Kenny and others theft case  
October 9, 1792 Fitzgerald, Maurice Sued: McDaniel, John
September 17-30, 1788 Fitzgerald, Simon Fined £5 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
September 17-30, 1788 Fitzgerald, William Fined £5 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
December 21, 1831 Fitzharris, Robert Charged with assaulting: Murphy, Michael
August 3, 1829 Fitzhenry, Robert Stole blankets from the home of : Rossiter, John
June 18, 1798 Flahavan, Patrick Attached wages of this person for money owed to William Carter: Dillon, Richard
August 1, 1791 Flavahan, Morrisey Testified in Elliott vs Londragon  
September 17-30, 1788 Flavahan, Patrick Fined £5 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
September 17-30, 1788 Flemon, John Fined £8 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
September 25, 1786 Fling, William Partner of: Whelan, Martin
September 17-30, 1788 Fogarty, Martin Fined £20 , all his wages and transportation home to Ireland for his part in religious riot of 1788  
September 17-30, 1788 Fogarty, Martin In addition to being  fined this person was banished from district and people were forbidden to feed or house him.  
September 17-30, 1788 Fogarty, William Fined £12.10 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
September 17-30, 1788 Fogarty, William In addition to being fined this person was banished from district and people were forbidden to feed or house him. Gave himself up.  
October 20, 1788 Fogarty, William Negotiated a relief from corporal punishment but agreed to be shipped home.  
February 23, 1835 Folawy, Patrick Member of petty jury in Shannahan vs Mountain.  
November 30, 1803 Foley, Lawrence Sued this person to collect his wages.It was found that Foley had gotten drunk and neglected his work: Gregory, John
October 7, 1811 Forbes, ??? Justice of the Peace in Ferryland District  
September 17-30, 1788 Forehan, James Fined £5 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
September 17-30, 1788 Forrestal, John Fined £5 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
October 23, 1794 Forrestall, James Sold boat to Kenny and Fitzpatrick while still owing money on it to : Gibbs, Thomas and Co.
November 24, 1791 Fost, Samuel Master of schooner " Experiment"  
????, 1796 Fowler, Patrick Fine received from.  
January 1, 1806 Fowler, William Sued this company for wages owed: Keef and Co.
January 1, 1806 Fowler, William Found to have neglected his duty and to have been a drunken useless fellow.  
October 12, 1792 Frederick, Thomas Sued this person for outstanding rent: Brothers, Michael
October 27, 1796 Gaffrey, Nicholas Sued this person to recover half his wages seized by: Tree, Francis
September 17, 1804 Gale, Thomas Member of jury in case of Terrence Hickey  
September 17-30, 1788 Gallahar, Patrick Fined £3.3 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
September 17-30, 1788 Galloway, William Fined £2.2 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
June 25, 1833 Gardner, James Assaulted this Renews resident: Walsh, Patrick
February 23, 1835 Gardner, James Assaulted: Neill, Lawrence
February 23, 1835 Gardner, Patrick Charged with assault but charged was abandoned by: Donnovan, Daniel
June 28, 1830 Garrett, B. G. Sued: Richards, William
September 6, 1830 Garrett, B. G. Sued: Mackey, Thomas
February 11, 1833 Garrett, B. G. Sued: Payne, Thomas
February 11, 1833 Garrett, B. G. Sued: Morrisey, Morris
October 31, 1798 Gaule, Luke Sued: Shortall, James
January 2, 1832 Geddes, George G. Agent for : Morrison, James
December 14, 1788 Gery, John Witness to sale of house  Welsh, Philip by : Sweetland, Henry
October 9, 1792 Gibb, Thomas and Co. Sued: Farrell, James
September 17-30, 1788 Gibbins, William Fined £5 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
September 23, 1786 Gibbs, George Testified in Kelly vs Gibbs  
October 23, 1794 Gibbs, George Sued this person to collect amount of a note made to James Forrestall for a debt owed to Thomas Gibbs: Kenny, John
October 23, 1794 Gibbs, George Sued this person to collect amount of a note made to James Forrestall for a debt owed to Thomas Gibbs: Fitzpatrick, James
October 12, 1792 Gibbs, George Member of jury  
May 22, 1803 Gibbs, J. Charged this person with abusive language and threats: McGrath, Michael
February 14, 1791 Gibbs, John Complained that his master falsely accused him of neglect of labour: Coryear, Henry
September 25, 1786 Gibbs, Thomas Jury member in Leigh vs Larey  
August 11, 1794 Gibbs, Thomas and Co. Agreed to give supplies to: Welsh, Rourke
August 11, 1794 Gibbs, Thomas and Co. Agreed to give supplies to: Holly, Jane
August 11, 1794 Gibbs, Thomas and Co. Agreed to give supplies to: Hobberlin, Paul
August 11, 1794 Gibbs, Thomas and Co. Agreed to give supplies to: Brothers, Michael
August 11, 1794 Gibbs, Thomas and Co. Agreed to give supplies to: Lean, William
August 11, 1794 Gibbs, Thomas and Co. Agreed to give supplies to: Ready, Michael
October 12, 1792 Gibbs, Thomas and Co. Sued this person to collect outstanding debt: Flinn, Edward
October 12, 1792 Gibbs, Thomas and Co. Sued this person to collect outstanding debt: Rowe, James
October 12, 1792 Gibbs, Thomas and Co. Sued this person to collect outstanding debt: Murphy, John
October 12, 1792 Gibbs, Thomas and Co. Sued this person to collect outstanding debt: Power, John
October 12, 1792 Gibbs, Thomas and Co. Sued this person to collect outstanding debt: Rowe, Edmund
October 12, 1792 Gibbs, Thomas and Co. Sued this person to collect outstanding debt: Quilty, Edward
October 12, 1792 Gibbs, Thomas and Co. Sued this person to collect outstanding debt: Hogan, William
September 29, 1789 Gidley, Allen Griffin Agent for : Griffin, Christian
October 25, 1793 Gidley, George Charged with theft and abuse by: Millman, William
September 17-30, 1788 Giery, Daniel Fined £5 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
September 17, 1804 Giffard, Thomas Member of jury in case of Terrence Hickey  
September 17, 1804 Gill, Joseph Member of jury in case of Terrence Hickey  
September 23, 1786 Goff, Patrick Jury member in Hodge vs Gibbs  
May ??, 1808 Goff, William Supplied goods to partnership of Morry and Bryan  
October 17, 1812 Goff, William This merchant employed both Wallice and Nash.  
November 2, 1829 Goff, William Sued this person over a bill for porter Conners, James
October 13, 1830 Goodridge, Allan Sued: Dinn, William
October 13, 1830 Goodridge, Allan Sued: Neal, William
November 25, 1797 Gorey, John Sued this person to recover unpaid wages: Hinton, John
September 17-30, 1788 Gorman, Dennis Fined £13.17.7, Transportation to Ireland and all of his wages for his part in religious riot of 1788  
September 25, 1786 Gorman, Jeffery Agent for: Leigh Stores
August 24, 1829 Gorman, Peter Gaoler for Ferryland  
January 1, 1834 Gorman, Peter Appointed constable for Ferryland  
September 26, 1786 Gorman, Richard Testified in Benger vs Leigh  
October 26, 1791 Gorman, Richard Testified in bankruptcy of : Walker, George
September 22, 1794 Gorman, Richard Highest Bidder on fishing rooms belonging to : Griffin, Andrew
September 20, 1806 Gorman, Richard Member of the jury in the Power vs Deringwater case  
March 8, 1787 Grace, John Rented premises from: McDaniel, William
September 17-30, 1788 Grace, John Fined £5 for his part in religious riot of 1788  
May 10, 1798 Graham, Christopher Sued: Shortall, James
October 30, 1798 Graham, Christopher Sued: Shortall, James
November 1, 1807 Grant, R. Testified in Kelly vs Power  
October 7, 1811 Grant, R. Sued: Sanders, John
March ??, 1807 Greensell, ??? Found guilty of assaulting this person: Wallace, Matthew
February 10, 1831 Gregory, Thomas Charged with removing large stones from the beach in Ferryland.  
June 6, 1791 Gregory, William Ordered to survey stage head in Brigus  
December 13, 1793 Griffin, Andrew He was hired by this person to look after ship "Swallow" in Fermeuse Harbour. Has not been paid. Brooks, Richard
September 22, 1794 Griffin, Andrew Fishing rooms in Renews next to : Tucker, William Captain
September 22, 1794 Griffin, Andrew His fishing rooms in Renews were auctioned to pay debt.  
November 14, 1803 Griffin, Andrew Sued: Johnson, William
October 27, 1797 Griffin, Andrew Brother of : Griffins, John
October 26, 1791 Griffin, John Grandson of this person to get other half of barking kettle: Griffin, Andrew
November 14, 1803 Griffin, John Charged this company with having one of their workers kick him in the backside: Hunt and Stabb
October 21, 1829 Grimes, Patrick Assaulted by: Raftes, John

Page transcribed by Ray Curran (June, 2001)

REVISED: June 2001 (Don Tate)

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