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Will of Ambrose Stride In re Badger Brook 16th march 1915. The last will & testament of Ambrose Stride of Bridgeport Notre Dame Bay Newfoundland son of James & the late Philopina Stride of Exploits Bay & Western Bay respectively I Ambrose Stride (now about joining the Newfoundland Volunteer Contingent) do will & bequeath unto my loving brother Ernest Stride of Bridgeport N.D. Bay my interest in full in my Life Insurance for one thousand dollars($1000.00) the am Insured by me with the Sun Life Insurance Co. as per policy now in his possession & taken out by me on the 15th day of August 1912. In the event of my death at War through natural or other causes the said sum of one thousand dollars is to be paid in full with interest attached to my said brother Ernest Stride to be his his executors administrators and assigns forever. In witness whereof I append hereto my seal & signature Being sound in health & mind whilst doing so and “May the Lord have mercy on my soul” Ambrose Stride (LS) The above Will was read over and signed in the presence of John McNamara of St. John’s Customs Official. Edgar Mills of Moretons Hr. Notre Dame Bay. Correct, (Listed in the margin of this will)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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