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Will of Charles Stone In re This is the last will and Testament of me Charles Stone of Henley Harbour Straits of Belleisle: I hereby give and bequeath to my wife Elisabeth Stone my dwelling house and all effects contained therein for use until her decease after which it will be inherited by my son, Henry Kish Stone I further bequeath to my wife Elisabeth Stone the sum of money deposited in my name in the Savings Bank of Newfoundland and also that deposited in the Birchy Cove Bay of Islands Branch of the Bank of Montreal. I desire that my three sons Benjamin Elijah and Henry Kish work together as they have hitherto done using all the fishing gear and the Room as long as and in the manner they think best for each others interest. I leave the disposal of the same entirely to themselves Charles his x mark Stone Henley Harbour Straits of Belleisle June 3rd 1910 Signed in the presence of us witnesses George H. his x mark Stone Elias W Garner Certified correct, (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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