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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Henry J. Stabb


Will of Henry J. Stabb
from Newfoundland will books volume 8 pages 466 to 468 probate year 1908

In re
      Henry J. Stabb          deceased.

      This is the last will and Testament of me Henry J. Stabb of St. John’s Merchant, I hereby revoke all former and other wills made by me. I appoint Arthur Stephen Rendell of St. John’s Broker, and Alexander J. Harvey of St. John’s merchant Executors of this my last will. I desire that all my just debts and funeral and testamentary expenses shall be first paid out of my estate. I bequeath the whole of my estate real and personal and wheresoever situate as follows.

First I bequeath to my wife Emma Jane Stabb the sum of twenty thousand dollars for her sole and absolute use and benefit;

Second I also bequeath to my said wife for her sole separate and absolute use, the freehold land and dwelling house now occupied by me situate at the corner of Cochrane Streets and Military Road St. John’s

Third. I also bequeath to my said wife the whole of my household furniture, plate, linen, pictures, goods and effects whatsoever. I desire that the foregoing bequests be a first charge upon the whole of my estate.

Fourth. I give and bequeath to my Executors the sum of twenty five thousand dollars upon trust to invest the same in such securities as may be approved of by them and to pay the yearly income thereof to my sister Ann Tessier Stabb half yearly during her life time. I desire that this bequest shall be a second charge upon the whole of my estate.

Fifth I give and bequeath to my executors, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars upon trust, to invest the same in such securities as may be approved of by them and to pay the yearly income thereof to my sister Sarah Ellen Hayward half yearly during her lifetime. I desire that this bequest shall be a third charge upon the whole of my estate.

Sixth. I give and bequeath to my cousin Ellen Sarah Stabb the sum of two thousand dollars

Seventh I give and bequeath to my cousin Elizabeth Rachel Prowse, widow the sum of five hundred dollars.

Eighth. I give and bequeath to the church of England Orphanage, Belvedere Orphanage and Methodist Orphanage the sum of five hundred dollars each.

Ninth. I give and bequeath to my late storekeeper George Jennings the sum of five hundred dollars.

Tenth. I give and bequeath to my executors if they accept and discharge their duties as such, the sum of one thousand dollars each.

Eleventh as to the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars above bequeathed under clause fourth, I desire upon the death of my sister Ann Tessier Stabb, the sum of two thousand pounds sterling be distributed to the following or their legal representatives. Viz.

  • Five hundred pounds sterling to my nephew Ewen C. Stabb.
  • Two hundred and fifty pounds sterling to my nephew Arthur Stabb,
  • one hundred pounds sterling to my nephew Charles Stabb,
  • one hundred pounds sterling to my niece Madeline Stabb.
  • One hundred pounds sterling to my niece Nora Stabb.
  • Two hundred pounds sterling to my nephew Edward James Dunnville.
  • Two hundred pounds sterling to my nephew Ewen Frances Dunnville.
  • One hundred pounds sterling to my niece Mary Dunnville (Sister Murriel)
  • Two hundred pounds sterling to Frederick J. Gardner son of the late Dr. F. Gardner of Ilfracombe.
  • Two hundred and fifty pounds sterling to Bertha A. Fox.

Twelfth In event of my death before that of my partner in business Mr Charles McK. Harvey, and his desiring to take over and continue the business and his requiring time for the paying off to my estate the amount or balance of my share or interest according to our partnership agreement: I direct that my executors shall allow an equal amount to the amount he may have in the Capital stock of the business at the time of my death, to remain in the business as a loan, to the said Charles McK. Harvey for a period not exceeding five years from the date of my death, he the said Charles McK. Harvey paying interest upon the same, at the rate of five per cent per annum, in half yearly payments calculated from the date of my death which interest shall be paid to my said wife

Thirteenth. As to the rest residue and remainder of my estate and effects of what kind soever and wheresoever situate or being not hereinbefore bequeathed or disposed of. I give and bequeath the whole of the same to my wife for her sole separate and absolute use and benefit     Dated at Saint John’s Newfoundland this twentieth day of August A.D. 1908    Henry J Stabb. Signed and delivered by the said testator in presence of J.C. Phillips     John Campbell

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Emerson J.
Sept. 15/08
Sept. 17/08
granted to
A. S. Rendell
Alex J Harvey
sworn at



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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