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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Clara Maria Spurrell


Will of Clara Maria Spurrell
from Newfoundland will books volume 12 pages 509 to 511 probate year 1924

In re

This is the last Will and Testament of me Clara Maria Spurrell of Badger’s Quay in the District of Bonavista in the Island of Newfoundland.

      I will devise and bequeath to my two sons William Howard Spurrell and Chester Wilberforce Randolph Spurrell (hereinafter refereed to as Chester) all my interest in the Mercantile Business carried on in my name at Badger’s Quay; and my Schooner “Laura Grace” to be enjoyed equally between them share and share alike. Should they decide to carry on business separately, then the Shop shall be the property of Chester, should they remain together then the Shop shall be enjoyed equally by each.

      I give all my interest in the house in which William Howard now lives to the said William Howard Spurrell.

      I give all my interest in the house in which I now live to my son Chester Spurrell.

      I leave the enlarged photograph of my daughter Elizabeth Ann Gillingham to her; the one of Beatrice and Emmaline taken together to my daughter Emmaline Dominy; the one of Ronald Hubert to my daughter Beatrice Newhook. I also leave the large white Tablecloth made by Beatrice to the same Beatrice Newhook.

      To each of my children, namely, William Howard Spurrell, Chester Spurrell, Elizabeth Ann Gillingham, Beatrice Newhook, Emmaline Dominy, I leave the sum of One thousand dollars each.

      To my Stepdaughter Honour Gillingham I leave the sum of Five hundred dollars.

      To my adopted daughter Stella Horwood if she remains with me until her marriage or my death or my full consent to her going away, I leave the sum of Three hundred dollars.

      To my Grandson Ronald Hubert Gillingham I leave the sum of Two hundred and Fifty dollars to buy an Organ.

      To my Granddaughter Clara Maria Spurrell I leave the sum of Two hundred and Fifty dollars to buy an Organ if I have not already given one to either or each of them before my death.

      To my son Chester I leave the money in the Newfoundland Saving’s Bank St Johns if I have not already given it over to him before my death.

      To St Alban’s Church, Badger’s Quay, I leave the sum of Fifty dollars for some permanent memorial of me either by way of an investment the interest to be used each year on some article of furniture for use of the Church.

      After my funeral expenses and a suitable monument has been placed at my grave I leave the residue of my money and property to be divided equally between my five children, William Howard, Elizabeth Ann, Beatrice, Emmaline, and Chester.


       This will was read over explained and signed by the testatrix in her presence and in the presence of each other all being present together this 24th day of March 1923 at Badger’s Quay.
 J.T. Hiscock) 
 George Gillingham ) 
 I appoint my two sons William Howard and Chester Executors of this my will. 
 Witnesses) J. T. Hiscock 
  ) George Gillingham 


      Codicil to the will of Clara Maria Spurrell dated March 24th 1923 on the opposite side of this page.

      All my interest in the Life Insurance Policies of my son Chester Wilberforce Randolph Spurrell, namely, one for $1000 in the Confederation Life Association dated Aug 28th 1918, and also one for $2000 in the Mutual Life Assurance Co of Canada dated Oct 1st 1919, I leave to the said Chester Wilberforce Randolph Spurrell.

      All my interest in the Life Insurance Policy of William Howard Spurrell for $1000 in the Manufacturer’s Life date Oct 16th 1912 I leave to the said William Howard Spurrell.

      If my own Life Insurance with the Mutual of New York dated Nov 27th 1903 is not settled before my death I leave that to be counted with my general estate. In any case it is to be counted as a part of my general estate.


       This codicil was read over and explained to the Testatrix in her presence and in the presence of each of us being present together, and signed by her in our presence this 12th day of Oct. 1923.    CLARA MARIA her X mark SPURRELL
 J.T. Hiscock) 
   )   Witnesses.  
 Chesley M. Hoskins ) 


William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Fiat Jany 24/24
Johnson J.
Probate granted
to William H.
Spurrell and
Chester W. R.
Jany 25/24
Estate sworn
at $19.404.81



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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