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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Ephraim Small


Will of Ephraim Small
from Newfoundland will books volume 9 pages 504-505 probate year 1912

In re
      Ephraim Small          deceased.

      This is the last will and Testament of me Ephraim Small Planter of Moreton’s Harbor, in the District of Twillingate in Newfoundland made this eleventh day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and four I devise and bequeath unto my wife Julia Small the sum of four hundred dollars and unto my son Joseph Willis Small the sum of Four hundred dollars - these eight hundred dollars so bequeathed being now loaned to the Methodist Board of Education, St. John’s West in Newfoundland aforesaid.
I devise and bequeath unto my son Robert Jabez Small (now of Lewisport in Newfoundland aforesaid) one hundred dollars deposited in the Royal Bank of Canada St. John’s (aforesaid) branch: and the balance of my deposit in the same Bank unto my daughters Lavinia Elizabeth Ann, Lo-Mhanah and Kate in equal shares. And I devise and bequeath all my estate real and personal apart from the above (and subject to the payment thereout of all my debts funeral and testamentary expenses) unto my said son Joseph Willis Small, he maintaining my said wife Julia Small as long as she choose to remain with him, and he also permitting my said son Robert Jabez Small the equal use with himself of my fishing property should he return any measurable time to Moretons Harbor aforesaid.
And I appoint John William Small and William Knight both of Moretons Harbor aforesaid Executors of this my will. In witness whereof I have signed my name at the foot hereof in the presence of the two subscribing witnesses - Ephraim Small - We the undersigned have attested the execution of the foregoing writing by the above named Ephraim Small he signing his name thereto in the presence of us present at the same time and without quitting his sight or presence we subscribe the same in the presence of each other
Jabez Small Fisherman Moreton’s Harbor -
William Henry Dotchon Methodist Minister.     Moreton’s Harbor.

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Johnson J.
Sept. 30/12
granted to
John W. Small
W W Knight
sworn at



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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