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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
William A. Slattery


Will of William A. Slattery
from Newfoundland will books volume 8 pages 227-228 probate year 1907

In re
      William A. Slattery         deceased.

      In the name of God, Amen. This is the last will and testament of me, William A. Slattery, of St. John’s, in the Island of Newfoundland, Dry Goods Merchant.

1. It is my will and desire that my executors hereinafter appointed shall see that all my just debts, funeral and testamentary expenses are first paid.

2.       I hereby appoint my brother John L. Slattery and James Warren, of St. John’s aforesaid, executors of this my last will and testament.

3. It is my will and desire that my executors shall dispose of all moneys of which I may die possessed in the following manner, that is to say, either by deposit at interest in the Newfoundland Government Savings Bank, or by the purchase of Government debentures, or by mortgages on first-class freehold property within the city limits; and the interest derivable from the investment of such moneys shall be paid over to my wife, Mary Margaret Slattery, for her support “whilst she remains unmarried,” and also for the support, maintenance, and education of my children.

4 Touching the Dry Goods business now owned and carried on by me, it is my will and desire that my executors continue and carry on the said business for twelve months after my death, and if successful to further continue and carry on the said business, or in their discretion to wind up and sell to the best advantage the good will and stock in trade of the said business, and the proceeds derivable from the sale of same shall be invested in like manner as heretofore set forth, and the interest derived therefrom shall be paid by my executors to my said wife for her support, whilst she remains unmarried, and for the support, maintenance and education of my said children.

5. It is also my will and desire that if anyone of my sisters should require a home at any time, she is to be provided with the same by my wife. Lastly. I hereby revoke all other and former wills that may have been made by me.
In Testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my hand at St. John’s aforesaid, this eighteenth day of January A.D. 1907.    W.A. Slattery signed by the said testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence, at his request, and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.    Felix D. McCarthy     F. J. Morris

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Feb. 6. 07
Feb. 11. 07
granted to
John L.
Estate sworn
at $16000.00



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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