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Will of William Scott In re In the name of God Amen. I William Scott of Saint John’s Dealer being of sound mind memory and understanding do make and ordain the following as and for my last will and testament viz To my executors hereinafter named I will and bequeath all my leasehold interest in and to that land dwelling house stores and premises now held and occupied by me and fronting on Water Street and all chattels monies and effects as I may die possessed of or entitled to to be held by them for the maintenance and support of my daughter Mary Scott. I will and desire that it shall and may be optional with my executors to let at an annual rental said house and premises or sell the same for said purposes. I nominate and appoint my friends Thomas Summers and William P. Walsh executors hereof. Dated at St. John’s this 22nd day of July A.D. 1871. William Scott Signed and declared in presence of Thomas Brien, Patrick Summers. I William Scott the testator named in the foregoing
will and testament do hereby make ordain and declare this as a codicil
thereto: viz. I will and direct that all the surplus monies and rental
or other effects of mine whatsoever remaining after and beyond what is
necessary and suitable for the support and maintenance of my said daughter
Mary Scott as directed in said will be taken by the
executors therein named and applied for the support and maintenance of
the rest of my children as to the said executors may seem best and proper
for them. In witness whereof I have set my hand the
22nd day of July A.D. 1871. Certified correct, Fiat
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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