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Will of Janette Scott In re I, Janette Scott of 88 Chalverton
Road Putney Surrey Spinster hereby revoke all former wills and testamentary
documents heretofore made by me and declare this to be my last will and testament-
I appoint my nephew Ernest Cormack Finch and John
Ferrier of Woodhayes Wimbledon
Surrey to be the executors and Trustees of this my will and I give to each
of them in case they shall respectively prove my will and accept the trusteeship
hereof as a small acknowledgment for their trouble of this my will the sum
of twenty pounds free of duty I give to my brother
Charles Scott and my brother-in-law Henry Finch free of duty in equal shares
all my silver plate and plated articles (except such as may be otherwise hereinafter
specifically bequeathed) but so that my said brothers share shall include the
following articles namely silver waiter two silver salt cellars with the spoons
belonging thereto and all silver spoons engraved with the initial “B” or
the initials “W.B.” which articles I direct shall be considered
as part of my said brother’s share and be accounted for by him as such
on the division and I give to my sister in law Gertrude Scott (free
of duty) as a memento of me the six china plates hanging on the walls of the
drawing room and I give to my nephews and nieces hereinafter named (free of
duty) the following legacies as mementos of me that is to say: I devise and bequeath all my real estate
and all the residue of my personal estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever
(including as well real as personal estate over which I have any general power
of appointment or disposition by will) unto and to the use of the said Ernest
Cormack Finch and John Ferrier their heirs executors
and administrators according to the nature and tenure thereof upon trust that
they or the survivor of them or other the trustees or trustee for the time
being of this my will (hereinafter called my trustees) shall sell call in collect
and convert into money the same at such time or times and in such manner as
they shall think fit and so that they shall have the fullest power and discretion
to postpone the sale calling in or conversion of the whole or any part of the
said premises (including leaseholds or other property of a terminable or wearing
out nature and my share or interest in certain property situate in Newfoundland
and known as “The Rennie and
Scott Estate”) without being responsible for loss and shall out
of the proceeds pay my funeral and testamentary expenses and debts And shall
invest the residue in any investments authorised by law in the case of trust
money with power to vary such investments at discretion And shall during the
life of my brother Charles Scott pay or apply the income of
the said residuary estate and the investments thereof for and towards keeping
up a policy on the life of my said brother effected with the Economic Life
Assurance Society which is now vested in the said John Ferrier and Ernest
Cormack Finch and for or towards repayment
of the capital and payment of the interest on the sum now due on the security
thereof to the said Society and unto or for the maintenance personal support
education advancement in the world or for the benefit generally of my said
Charles Scott and his wife and issue for the time being in
existence or any of such respective objects of the present discretionary trust
to the exclusion of the others or other of them in such shares and manner as
my trustees shall from time to time in their absolute discretion decide or
think proper I declare that all the net annual produce arising from the unconverted
part of my estate whether real or personal and of whatsoever description
shall be applied in the same manner as if the same were income arising from
the proceeds of the conversion of my estate. I empower my
trustees with regard to my share in the said Rennie and Scott Estate to
join with all or any others of the persons owning shares therein (until my
share therein shall be sold) and in partitioning the same and in repairing
and incuring houses wharves and buildings and making allowances to and arrangements
with the tenants and others and accepting surrenders of leases and tenancies
and demising for any term of years or tenancy and at any rent and generally
managing availing with such estate in their uncontrolled discretion as if
my trustees were absolute beneficial owners with power out of capital or
income of the trust premises to make any outlay for the purposes aforesaid
on any expenses connected therewith And I further declare that any executor or trustee for the time being
hereunder being a solicitor or any other person engaged in any profession
or business shall be entitled to charge and be paid all usual professional
and other charges for any business done by him or his firm in the premises
whether in the ordinary course of his profession or business or not and although
not of a nature requiring the employment of a solicitor or other professional
person I Janette Scott of 88 Chalverton Road Putney Surrey Spinster
hereby declare this to be a codicil- the first- to my will which bears date
the 16th day of September one thousand nine hundred and five. I bequeath to my servant Eliza
Gacom the sum of twenty pounds free of
duty in addition to any moneys owing to her by me at my death as an acknowledgment
of her service to me provided she is in my service at my death and not under
notice to leave whether given or received And in all other respects I confirm
my said will (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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