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Will of Michael Scanlon In re April 23, 1914. I Michael Scanlon of sound mind leave to my wife Catherine Scanlon all my property both real and personal and all other things I possess including the following: house and furniture, store house, cellar and land adjoining situated on the north side of River Head, Harbor Grace, Newfoundland bounded on the north side by Harvey Street, on the South by Water Street, on the East by the Estate belonging to Mrs. Catherine Stapleton on the west by a boundary fence which divides my part from the part claimed by my sister Mrs. Bridget O’Dwyer, another strip of land situated between Harvey Street and the railroad track and on the other side north of the railroad track. I hereby appoint John Casey of Harbor Grace, Newfoundland to be administrator of my estate with bonds I also leave my nephew Thomas Fitzgerald (one Dollar). Signed Michael Scanlon - Witnesses. Denis Walsh Christopher Kelly John St. John Correct, (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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