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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Sarah Anne Edleston Prowse
Will of Sarah Anne Edleston Prowse
from Newfoundland will books volume 10 pages
317 to 319 probate year 1915
In re
The last will and testament of me
Sarah Anne Edleston Prowse wife of Daniel Woodley
Prowse all written by my
own hand and I declare this to be my only last will and testament and all former
wills by me made are void and of no effect
First I appoint my two sons George Robert
Farrar Prowse and Thomas Holmes Edleston
Prowse executors of this my will
I give and bequeath to my husband during the term of his natural life and for
his sole use and benefit all the rents and products of my estate both in Newfoundland
and elsewhere
Thirdly After his decease I will and bequeath to my daughter Grace
Isabel Prowse the sum of one hundred
and forty pounds sterling per annum to be paid to her by my said executors
half yearly for her sole use and benefit during the term of her natural life
and after my husband’s death this yearly allowance is to be a first charge
upon my said estate- My daughter aforesaid shall
have full power and authority notwithstanding the above to devise and bequeath
half of said yearly amount. viz seventy pounds sterling a year by will. the
remainder at her death to merge into the general estate and to be divided in
the same proportion amongst my sons and daughter Alice as
Fourthly I devise and bequeath to my daughter Alice
Holmes Edleston Blomfield wife of Commander Blomfield Royal Navy subject to the above bequest
to my daughter Isabel five tenths of the remainder of my said estate for her
sole use and benefit the amount to be paid to her also half yearly and at her
death to be divided equally between her two daughters Alice Marjorie
Blomfield and Irene May Minnbel Blomfield
Fifthly I devise
and bequeath to my 3 sons George Arthur and Thomas on the like conditions as
respects my said daughter Alice two tenths each of my said estate to my sons
George and Thomas and to my son Arthur one
tenth of the same
I give to my said executors full power with the written consent
of all the said legatees to sell any of the said lands tenements or messuages
belonging to my said estate which they may consider beneficial to the said
estate and legatees and to invest the proceeds in such other securities as
they may deem advisable
In witness whereof I have signed the same and
hereby declare this to be my last will and testament this 30th day of January
one thousand nine hundred and six at St. John’s Newfoundland S.
A. E. Prowse Signed and declared by said testatrix as and for her last will in our presence
who in her presence and in the presence of each have signed our names as witnesses
thereof Mrs. J. Furlong Lizzie Wall.
As a codicil to my last will and testament
dated 30th January 1906 I now further will and direct that in the
event of my estate being increased and producing over a yearly rental of over
£300 sterling pounds The surplus over that amount subject always to the
special bequest to my daughter Isabel shall be equally divided
amongst my other four children. S.A.E. Prose. Dated
at St. John’s Newfoundland
this 17th March 1906 As a codicil to my last will and testament
dated Jany 30th 1906
I make a further codicil and will and direct
at the request and desire of my said son T.N.E. Prowse that
the 1/10th share left to my said T.N.E. Prowse shall
not be bequeathed to him but shall be an additional share to my son A.H.
Prowse making my son Arthur
share 3/10 of my property subject only to the annuity of £140 stg
to my said daughter Grace I. Prowse & I further will & direct
my son
A.H. Prowse shall have only a life interest in the 3/10 share
of my property and at his death the 3/10 share shall be equally divided between
his two daughters
Winnifred and Katherine If
the £140 stg devised to my daughter Grace Isabel Prowse is
not sufficient for her maintenance I expect my sons and daughter to forego
so much of their share of my property from half year to half year as is in
the opinion of my executors necessary for the due maintenance of my said daughter Grace
Isabel Prowse Dated at St. John’s Newfoundland
October 30th 1913. S.A.E. Prowse.
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
May 18/15
Admn c.t.a.
May 27/15
granted to
H.A. Winter
A. E. Outerbridge
E. Dowling
Estate sworn
at $9906.00
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Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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