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Will of Isaac Primmer In re The last Will and Testament of Isaac Primmer of Barr’d Islands. I, Isaac Primmer, being in my right mind and of sound understanding do hereby make this my last will and testament. I bequeath and will to my four sons, Herbert Primmer, James Primmer, George Primmer, and Isaac Primmer, my Room consisting of Store and Stage. My Dwelling House and Stable to my two sons Isaac and George. Garden in the Meadow to be Isaac’s, and Garden above the Cellar to be George’s, and the large Garden between my four sons aforesaid. All the Fishing Property consisting of Cod Traps, Cod Nets, Herring Nets, Seal Nets with all other fishing gear to be equally divided between my four sons. An investment of $900.00 invested in the Methodist College, St. John’s, to be divided as follows. $300.00 to my daughter, Amelia Ann, $300.00 to my son James, $300.00 to my son Herbert. My money deposited in the Bank of Nova Scotia, Fogo, to be equally divided between my two sons, George Primmer and Isaac Primmer. My money now in my house to be solely bequeathed to my beloved wife. And I hereby make mention that my beloved wife is to be cared for and provided for by my two sons George and Isaac during the remainder of her earthly life residing with them. And I hereby add that my two sons George and Isaac when building houses shall build on the new property near the end of my own dwelling and said property must never be divided but held as one property. In conclusion I here and now appoint
my son Herbert and my son George to
be my executors to carry out the provision of this my last Will and Testament
herein declared. CORRECT, (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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