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Will of Alexander Petrie In re The Petition of William K Angwin concerning the Estate of Alexander Petrie Probate year 1892, from the LDS microfilm # 2057390 To the Honorable Sir Frederic B T Carter, KC Jn G Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland the Honorable Sir Robert J Pinsent DCL and the Honorable Joseph J Little Assistant Judges of the said Supreme Court. The Petiton of William K Angwin of Bay of Islands in the Island of Newfoundland Merchant, Humbly sheweth That Alexander Petrie late of Bay of Islands aforesaid Gentleman deceased departed this life on the twenty ninth day of July AD 1892 That the said Alexander Petrie previously to his decease made and published his last will and testament which is hereto annexed marked A that the said will has been duly proved in common form. That under the said will ? the said Alexander Petrie appointed his brothers George and Thomas Petrie of Sligo Ireland and your Petitioner Executors of his Estate. That he left his Widow Georgina Petrie and four children viz William Thomas, John Albert, Ethel Bain and Annie Daisy him surviving. That the said deceased was at the time of his death possessed of property of the probable value of Five Thousand Dollars. That no Probate or Administration to the Estate of the said deceased has been taken or applied for. (part missing)
A The last will and Testament of Alexander Petrie, Gentleman of Bay of Islands, Colony of Newfoundland. I further direct that from the proceeds of my Life Insurance Policy, my executors shall pay first the amount advanced by my brother William in payment of premiums on the same. Second they shall set aside the sum of One Thousand Dollars which shall be appropriated as they may decide towards the education of my children. And thirdly the remainder of the sum received from the aforesaid policy I devise and bequeath in Equal Shares to my daughters Ethel Bain and Annie Daisy. And I further direct that my Executors shall invest the same and keep the same invested for the benefit of my said daughters and shall pay over to them the interest accrueing there from free from the control of their husbands should they marry and at their death I direct that the principal shall be paid over to their heirs or as they may by will direct. And whereas certain real estate property in Sligo, Ireland is now held in the name of my brother Thomas, but which belongs to me. I direct that my Executors shall obtain from my said brother Thomas a conveyance of said property to themselves and at such time as they may think advisable I direct that they shall sell the said property and after paying all charges thereon I direct that they shall divide the proceeds thereof between my children share and share alike. And I further direct that the share of each shall be paid over to them when they shall reach the full term of twenty one years. I hereby appoint nominate and appoint to be the Executors of this my last will and testament my brothers George and Thomas Petrie of Sligo Ireland and William K Angwin, Merchant, of Bay of Islands, Colony of Newfoundland In witness whereof I have hereunto signed my name and affixed my seal on the third day of July A.D. 1892 Alexander Petrie Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Alexander Petrie as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other and at his request have signed our names hereto as witnesses there of. The words "lands and" having been first interlined on the first page. John Putnam Halcones (?) Fiat F. B. G. Carter C. J. Probate granted to Wm. K. Angwin Bay of Islands one of the exors Dated Sept. 20th. 1892 Estate Sworn under $5,000.00
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Linda Elkins-Schmitt
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Saturday December 29, 2018)
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