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Will of Edmund Pelley In re Muddy Hole Smiths Sound T. B. April 25 1910 I Edmund Pilley of Muddy Hole Smith Sound Trinity Bay at the age of sixty nine years and being of sound mind do hereby leave to my wife Anna Pilley in event of my death at any time after today all land below mentioned viz:- Situate and being at Muddy Hole Smiths Sound aforesaid abutted and bounded as follows, that is to say by a line commencing at a point on the shore and being the southern angle of the land applied for by Frederick Pilley running thence by the said Frederick Pilley’s Land and by Crown Land. North thirteen degrees west, forty chains more or less, thence by Crown Land South seventy one degrees west twenty one chains and forty links more or less, thence by a reserved road (to be kept thirty links wide) south thirty three degrees East forty chains more or less, and thence by the shore aforesaid to the place of Commencement Reserving a road running through the same sixty feet wide for public use also twelve acres of land situate in Georges Brook, bounded one north by Timber Land South by Georges Brook East by Frederick Pilley and west by Charles Pilley also House situate on same twelve acres of Land (all twelve acres under cultivation, all above mentioned property to be left to my wife Anna Pilley in event of my death, the last words and will of Edmund Pilley signed (Edmund his x mark Pilley) witness by R. Morison John Fisher Certified correct, (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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