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Miscellaneous Deeds, Grants, Petitions & Wills
George Treen


In the Name of God Amen, I George Treen Resident of St. Johns, NewfLand, being of sound and disposing mind and memory do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following.  Ffirst:  I will that my debts and funeral expenses be paid and discharged by my Executors in Trust hereinafter named.  Also I give and demise unto my Daughter now the wife of William Gaden all that dwelling house I now live in together with the gardens and meadows known by the name of Thomas Lee Plantation together with all my household goods and wearing apparel and cattle and utensils.  Also I give to my daughter Johanna Stevens and spouse Gaden, all my plantations and meadows thereto belonging, likewise my plantation on the south side of Saint Johns being two Boats Room and Bounded on the last by Prosser's and on the west by Bowles's Plantation the Rents and profits of which I direct shall be Equally divided between my said two Daughters Johanna and Honor to them and their heirs, for ever, they paying at my decease ffive pounds to my Wife grant for Mourning and I do hereby desire John Bowden and Robt. Battershill will be so good as to see this my last Will and Testament, duly executed.  Dated in St. Johns Newfound Land the 18th day of October 1764.  George Trwn.  Witness Nichs. K(N?)orrish.  Choven Downing. Clydston Newman.

On the twelfth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight Administration (with the Will annexed) of the goods chattels and credits of George Trwn otherwise Treen late of Saint Johns in Newfoundland deceased was granted to James Summers the lawful Attorney of Honour Gaden (Wife of William Gaden) the natural and lawful Daughter of the said deceased and a Legatee named in the said Will for the use and benefit of the said Honour Gaden now residing at Saint Johns aforesaid he having been first sworn by Commission duly to administer John Bouden otherwise Bowden and Robert Batteshill the Executors named in the said Will having renounced (?) the Execution thereof The Residuary Legatee being named therein and Grace Treen widow the Relict of the said deceased dying without taking upon her Letters of Administration and (with the said Will annexed) of the goods of the said deceased.



Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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