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Will of James Sanders In the name of God Amen. I James Sanders of Sopley in Hampshire but now in and of Bonavista Newfoundland and inhabitant of, Boat keeper Being of perfect sound mind and memory but in a weak condition and calling to mind the mortality of my body and to prevent disputes after my decease do make this my last will and testament in manner following principally and first of all I commend my soul to God who gave it and my body to the earth to be decently buried and as ?????????? worldly goods wherewith it has pleased God to bless me I give dispose of as follows ???? I give and bequeath to my beloved nephew William Wiltshire the sum of ten pounds Sterling money of Great Britain to be paid by my executor on the eve of six months after my decease. Now I give to my beloved nephew Thomas Wiltshire now of this place the full two thirds of all my lands tenements and ???????? of all fishing rooms, stages, flakes, boats fishing crafts and whatsoever goods or chattels household goods wearing apparel except Hereafter excepted to him and to his heirs forever now lying and being in Bonavista Bay in Newfoundland. Next I give to my beloved nephew William Virge now in this place the full one third of all my lands Tenements and accouterments of all fishing rooms Stages flakes boats ??? crafts and whatsoever goods or chattels household goods wearing apparel except what is hereafter excepted that I shall be possessed of in Bonavista Bay in Newfoundland at the time of my decease to him and his heirs forever. Now I give to my old servant John Jeret? a suit of my wearing clothes that I used to wear on Sundays the coat with a suitable waistcoat and breeches. Now I appoint my beloved friend Martin Luther as a trustee to settle all my accounts in Newfoundland and to pay all my debts out of this country as far as my fish and oil shall go and no further and if after settlement any money shall remain owe to me the same ?? shall??? To my Executor hereafter named it is further my will not withstanding what is before said that I impower the said Martin Luther to draw bills on Christopher Cobb of Ringwood in Hampshire for the payment of my servants wages with the ???? bill if the present voyage will not afford bills of exchange to pay the same. Now I appoint my beloved friends James Magwich and William Brown both now in this place to be guardians to my before named Nephews Thomas Wiltshire and William Virge to improve their several legacies and allow them a convenient allowance out of what they now make for them till they shall each attain the age of twenty four years and then to be put in full possession, as they shall respectively arrive to that age. Now I will that the new clothes that came to me from England this year to be sold by Martin Luther and the money that shall be made of them shall go with the product of this present voyage towards paying my debts and expenses as also my silver watch is to be disposed of in like manner with the new clothes. Now I give to my beloved kinsmen James Cobb son of Christopher and Sarah Cobb of Ringwood over and above his part of what money I shall have in England after all my just debts are paid as aforementioned. Now I give to my beloved kinswoman Jane Cobb the like sum of fifty pounds stering over and above her share after my just debts are paid as aforesaid . Now all ???? and residue of my money in England whatsoever it be whether by bill bond debt or otherwise to be equally shared between Christopher and Sarah Cobbs four children to say James Cobb, Jane Cobb and their other two sons by whatever names they may be called as I do not exactly know their names observing that James Cobb and Jane Cobb are to have fifty pounds each more than the other two as aforesaid first my executor having to pay all my accounts ???????????????????????????add it to what other money ????????Miller Of Ringwood this year for it appears to be owe to us a balance of fifty pounds forty one shillings and two??/ half penny sterling I require my executor to retrieve the same and add it to what other money he has of mine. Now I will appoint my beloved nephew Christopher Cobb and Sarah his wife my executor and executrices of this my last will and testament as far as it relates to my affairs in England ???? other bills legacys and bequeaths whatsoever , I confirm this as my last will and testament which I have signed with my own hand in Bonavista Newfoundland this 21 day of June in the year of our lord 1765. James Sanders Signed sealed published pronounced and as declared to be his last will and testament in presence of us W. Keen Richard Dew ??? Bumble Shepard This will as proved at London before the right worshiphal George Day Doctor of Laws master keeper or commissioner of the prerogative court of Canterbury lawfully constituted on the twenty ?? day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy by the oaths of Christopher Cobb the nephew of the said deceased and Sarah Cobb wife of the said Cobb the executors named in the said will so far as it relates to the deceased affairs in England to whom administration was granted for the purpose aforesaid , but no further??????????????????????????? Having been first sworn by commission duly to administer.
Note: We who have typed these wills, have made every effort to include all the errors that were on the microfilm, in order to avoid destroying the integrity of the originals. |
Page Contributed & transcribed by Keith Brown
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (January 21, 2004)
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