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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
James Hill


The Will of James Hills, Cupid’s Cove - 1674

Prerogative Court of Canterbury - Prob 11/349

(In the right hand column beside the will is noted "JACOBI HILL")


CUPITS COVE. The last Will and Testament of Mr. JAMES HILL, Inhabitant of CUPITS COVE. Imprimus my soule I bequeath to God Almighty and my body to the Earth. Secondly as for all my Goods within and without the said (house?) of CUPITS COVE I wholly resigne to THOMAS BUTLER now of PORTA GRAVE to him or his assignes and doe appoint him to be my lawfull Executor and by virtue of these presents I the said JAMES HILL doe appoint constitute and impower the abovesaid THOMAS BUTLER to be my lawfull Attorney to ask demand and to sue for all such debt or debts as shall be due to mee JAMES HILL either by bill bills or bonds from any person whatsoever or persons and hereby I give him full power and authority to represent my person as if I were my self in presence. In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand this present day being March the ffowerth and in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred Seventy and Ffower.

The signe of JAMES HILL

Witnessed ? SAMCHINS(?) DABRIDY (?)Court Witness ROGER GEORGE the mark of JAMES CORK the mark of JOHN MORRIGAME

Probatum (the rest in Latin which I will not transcribe) but the probate year appears to be 1675.



Transcribed by Susan Snelgrove, Uxbridge, ON January 1, 2008

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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