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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Roger Butt



IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. Ffirst I give and bequeath my soul unto God Almighty who gave it me and secondly I do remit my body unto the Earth the place from where it came and there to be buried in Christian manner in hopes of the resurrection. Ffirst I give unto my eldest son JOHN BUTT the sum of ten pounds. Secondly I give unto my son ROGER BUTT the sum of ten pounds. Thirdly I give unto my son WILLIAM BUTT the sum of eighty pounds. Ffourthly I give unto my son GEORGE BUTT the sum of one hundred pounds. And ffifthly I give unto my son JOSEPH BUTT the sum of one hundred and fforty pounds. Sixthly I give unto my Grandaughter ELIZABETH DAW the sum of ffive pounds. Seventhly I give unto my cousin RICHARD the sum of ffive pounds. I likewise give unto my son JOSEPH the Bed and ffurniture …..? And I give unto WILLIAM the Middle Room Bed with the ffurniture and unto GEORGE the Trundle? Bed with the New ? belonging to him with the ? and other things belonging to it and to ROGER the Bed he lyes upon and I give unto my five sons the Plantation with all Goods within door? And wont to be divided in equall shares amongst them and that you take one ? to discharge all my debts and likewise to retrieve the debts due to me from severall people as you will find by my Bookes. And my desire is of you to carry on the voyage with all care you can and that you five lovingly together and that what advantage may be made of the voyage after everything is paid for that you divide equally. I do order my trusty and well beloved ffriend Mr. THOS EDWARDS in trust to see this my last Will and Testament performed. I have you all my blessing. Witness my hand and Seal in CROCKERS COVE the 21st day of April one thousand six hundred ninety three.

./. the mark of ROGER BUTT ./.

ITEM I give unto my son JOSEPH ten pounds more. ITEM I give unto my son JOSEPH BUTT fivety pounds more which is now in MR. JOHN TEMPLEMANS hands.


Translator's note, a paragraph follows in Latin with mentions the words "‘JOSEPH BUTT minorifilio"



Note: We who have typed these wills, have made every effort to include all the errors that were on the microfilm, in order to avoid destroying the integrity of the originals, where ever they may be.

Page Contributed & transcribed by Susan Snelgrove

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (February 29, 2004)

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