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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Joseph Brown


1819 Last Will and Testament of Joseph Brown, Bonavista, Newfoundland as transcribed from the records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

In the name of God Amen I Joseph Brown of Bonavista ????? being weak of body but of sound and disposing mind and memory do make and declare this to be my last will and testament in manner following.

That is to say I order that all my just debts funeral expenses and costs of proving this my will be in the first place fully paid and satisfied and after payment thereof and of every past account???

I give and bequeath to my brother George Brown three hundred pounds sterling. I give and bequeath to my brother James Brown three hundred pounds sterling . I give and bequeath to my brother William Brown three hundred pounds sterling.

I give and bequeath to my sister Rebecca Tilly four hundred pounds sterling also my fishing room at Greenspond in the occupancy of Thomas Street

I give and bequeath to my uncle William Burton one hundred pounds sterling.

I give and bequeath to my Aunt Jane Green one hundred pounds sterling.

I give and bequeath to my nephew James Bishop one hundred pounds sterling also one silver watch and moiety of my wearing apparel to be paid him at his attaining the age of twenty one years.

I give and bequeath to my nephew John Bishop two hundred pounds sterling also one silver watch one moiety of my wearing apparel also one moiety of my stage Fishing room formerly Christopher Cobbs and two meadows formerly Dominey ? and Kellys to be put in possession at his attaining the age of twenty one years.

I give and bequeath to my servant, Ann Sherrin two hundred pounds sterling also my bed and bedding.

I give and bequeath to Elizabeth Tilly Senior forty pounds sterling .

I give and bequeath to the poor of Bonavista one hundred pounds sterling to be paid in four yearly payments for clothing at the discretion of a committee of three persons approved by my executor.

I give and bequeath to the inhabitants of Bonavista the frame of a new church erected in the church yard also five hundred pounds sterling to finish it but provided that it may not be all expended for that purpose the residue I give to the poor in the same manner as that before bequeathed.

One moiety of my late fathers room one moiety of my room / late Christopher Cobb/ ---All the remainder of my houses, lands boats craft goods chattels debits real money effects and other my estate whatsoever and wheresoever both real and personal I give and bequeath to my brother Robert Brown and I do constitute and appoint Samson Mifflin executer of this my last will and testament

I the said Joseph Brown ?????to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal this thirteenth day of December in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen.

I request that my brothers James and William Brown give their sons Josephs fifty pounds at their attaining the age of twenty one years from their respective legacies.
Joseph X Brown His Mark

Signed sealed published and declared by the said Joseph Brown and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.
George Robbins Abraham Ackerman Sen. Thomas Bass

I do also desire that my brother Robert Brown shall support William Durdle in a decent manner during his natural life also that Thos. Bass is to keep possession of the house lately purchased of John House at paying a yearly rent of 100 shillings until he has paid the purchase money. I do also forgive Humber Green the debt which he now owes me. In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this day and year before mentioned. I have also to give my brother Robert the remaining part of my father's room as my brother William has only one third part thereof. Joseph X Brown His mark
George Robbins     Abraham Ackerman Sen.     Thomas Bass

PROVED at London Whitehall 24th July 1820 before the Judge by the oath of Samson Mifflin the sole executor to ??? Administration was granted ?????? first proven by commission duly to administer.

Transcriber's Notes (Keith Brown)

Humber and Jane Green of Bonavista had Mary Bap 1789 and Agnes Bap 1795

A Jane Green died in 1832 at Bonavista and she was 82 years old this means she was born in 1752, she was married 52 years to Humber Green. That means they were married in 1782.

A Humber Green son of John and Agnes Green was bap In Trinity on October 21 1763

Humber Green and S. Burton occupied a fishing room in Bonavista and this room was owned by Stephen Burton and his brothers.

Stephen Burton died in Bonavista at age 70 years in 1787
That means he was born 1717

A William Burton died April 1824 age 82 years at Bonavista so his year of birth was 1742
William and Susan Burton had two children at least , named William and Elizabeth in Bonavista 1795

A William and Susan Burton had a daughter in Trinity named Mary in 1788

A Mary Brown had a son in Trinity named John April 25 1772 said to be John Burtons .

On Jan 12 1771 at Trinity a Joseph Durdle married Dusabella Green who was the daughter of Mr Thomas Clifford church clerk and Agnes nee Green, she was a daughter of Agnes first husband who was John Green also a church clerk.
Joseph and Robert Brown looked after a ? Durdle who was blind



Page Contributed by Keith Brown

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (January 28, 2004)

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