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The Will of Christopher Archer - St. John's
PREROGATIVE COURT OF CANTERBURY I CHRISTOPHER ARCHER of St. Johns in Newfoundland being in health and of perfect memory and knowing the uncertainty of this life and that all must dye hoping by the merits of my Saviour Jesus Christ I shall receive pardon for my sins committed and that I shall have life everlasting in the Kingdom of Heaven as to my body I commit to the Earth or Sea as it shall please almighty God and as to such worldly goods as it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I give and bequeath as followeth. Imprimus I give and bequeath to my SON CHRISTOPHER ARCHER all my lands and plantations that I am possessed with at my death that can be found belonging to me to have the full possession and enjoyment of it after the death of my WIFE ELIZABETH ARCHER but if my said wife should happen to marry then my said SON CHRISTOPHE ARCHER shall and may enter on my said land and plantations as his proper right and his male heirs forever and if my said son CHRISTOPHER ARCHER should happen to die having no male heirs then my will and mind is that my said lands plantations etc shall return to my SON JOHN ARCHER and his male heirs and if he should happen to dye having no male heirs then to my SON WILLIAM ARCHER and his male heirs and if he should dye without male heirs then to MY DAUGHTER ELIZABETH ARCHER and her male heirs and if she should happen to dye without male heirs then to my ELDEST GRANDDAUGHTER and her male heirs and so downwards. Item I give and bequeath to my said SON CHRISTOPHER ARCHER one hundred pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain to be paid in twelve months after his apprenticeship is ended. Item I give and bequeath to my SON JOHN ARCHER the like summe of one hundred pounds to be paid when he attains the age of one and twenty years. I give and bequeath to MY DAUGHTER ELIZABETH ARCHER the sum of [five hundred pounds of like lawfull money of Great Britain to be paid to her at her day of marriage or when she attains the age of twenty one years - note this line has entirely been crossed out]. And further my will and mind is that if either or any of my said sons or daughter should happen to dye before they attain the aforesaid age or term that their legacies ? them him or her shall return to the survivors equally to be divided between them. Item I give to my said WIFE ELIZABETH ARCHER all my household goods with other moveables and immoveables to her or her assigns and do make and ordain my said wife and son CHRISTOPHER my executrix and executor of this my last will and Testament and after they have paid the above legacies the overplus of what moneys remains either by cash bills bonds, obligations or any sums due to me my mind is that the said overplus shall be equally divided between the above children that are living excepting CHRISTOPHER. And I do further nominate my trusty ffriends ARTHUR HOLDSWORTH ESQ. of Dartin? In the County of Devon Merchant and CAPT. JOHN MASTERS of Bristoll Merchant both of Great Britain to be as Trustees or Guardians for my said Children desiring them and it is my will that my above said children shall be maintained until they attain the age of twenty one years (or are otherways taken care for) as meat, drink, apparel, schooling, and all other necessarys ? out of my said lands plantations or and that my said plantations may be kept in good repair. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty first day of December in the ffourth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George Second over Great Britain Anno Domini 1730/ CHRISTOPHER ARCHER Sealed signed and delivered in St. Johns . Nffland in presence of us no stamps paper to gotten. SOUTHMAYD Appeared personally Christopher Archer the son and one of the Executors named in the last will and testament of Christopher Archer late of St. Johns in Newfoundland in parts beyond the seas and made oath that he the deponent on looking into the said deceased escritoire or desk for his last will and testament there found the last will and testament of the said deceased hereunto amended beginning thus. In the name of God Amen I CHRISTOPHER ARCHER of St. Johns in Newfoundland - and ending thus... In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty ffirst day of December in the ffourth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George Second over Great Britain Anmo Domini 1730 and thus subscribed... Christopher Archer... which said will he this deponent then found in the same fform plight and condition as the same now appears and that the words wrote in the margin to wit - my daughter being married shall rejected her portion by me.. and the name.. Christopr Archer... he this deponent doth verily believe to be totally wroted by and with the proper hand of the said deceased... Christr Archer Twenty ffifth day of February 1735.the said Christopher Archer was sworn to the truth of this Affidavit before me. SAM JOCHAM In the present of Gilbt Cobb Noty pub.
Page Transcribed by Susan Snelgrove, Uxbridge , ON November 5, 2005
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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