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Other Misc. Wills & Deeds
Jacob Warford to Rev'd Joseph Gaetry


Be it remembered that on the fourteenth day of December A.D. 1870 at half past eleven o'clock a certain paper writing was duly registered as follows:

This indenture made the 25th day of October in the year of our Lord and to said eight hundred and sixty five between Jacob Warford of Lance Cove Hopewell of the one part and Rev Joseph Gaetry Weslayen Minister of Topsail of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Jacob Warford for and in consideration of the sum of one shilling sterling to him the said Jacob Warford should well and truly paid the receipt whichof is hereby acknowledged th the said Jacob Warford hath granted bargained and sold to Rev Joseph Gaetry Weslayan Minister of Topsail a piece of land for Church purposed situate at Lance Cove (Hopewell) measuring in length three hundred and four feet and in the breadth sixty one feet rounded as follows on the north by main road on the West by Richard Porter and on the South and East by Jacob Warford, the vestry of the Church being two feet further out than land first given. I now freely give the land on which the Vestry is erected in Witness whereof I hereunto set my hand Jacob Warford his mark Witness Joseph Gaetry William Covedock his mark William Scott his mark Samuel Dawe his mark ____ In the Province of Nova Scotia___Towit Joseph Gaetry of Lunenburg in the saed Province of Nova Scotia Wesleyan Minister the grantee named in the Bill of Sale on the other side hereof written purporting to be a Bill of Sale or conveyance of certain land by Jacob Warford to the said Joseph Gaetry maketh oath and saith that he was present on teh day of the date of the said Bill of Sale and did see the said Jacob Warford sign the said Bill of Sale by putting his mark thereto and that before the said Jacob Warford so signed the said Bill of Sale the same was read over and explained to and the purport and ruling(?) thereof understood by the said Jacob Warford Joseph Gaetry Sworn before us at Lunenburg in the Province of Nova Scotia this twenty fifth day of October A.D. 1870 Joseph W Lockhart Justice of the Peace for the County of Lunenburg Province of Nova Scotia ____ In the Province of Nova Scotia I George I Solomon of Lunenburg in the said Province Notary Public of lawful authority duly sdmitted and sworn do hereby certify that the signature Jospeh W. Lockhart with the addition "Justice of the Peace for County in the said Province in whose presence the said affidavit ras?? due form of law by the said Joseph Gaetry now in Lunenburg in the Province of nova Scotia this fifth day of October Anno Domini eightteen hundred and seventy. In testimonium vertitated George I Solomon.



Page Contributed & transcribed by Susan Lawrence

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit Wednesday, 20-Feb-2013 05:03:56 AST

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