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Other Misc. Wills & Deeds
Elizabeth Symes & Ann Snelgrove



Elizabeth Symes to Ann Snelgrove of Lower Island Cove - 1801

An Agreement of three parts had and made between Elizabeth Symes of the Town and County of Poole Widow of the late John Symes intestate deceased, and Devisee and Legatee named in the Will of her Grand Father William Hiscock late of ______ blank _______ Deceased of the first part, Ann Snelgrove of Lower Island Cove Carbonear in the Island of Newfoundland in North America of the second part and William Butt of Wimborne Minister in the County of Dorset Merchant of the third part.
Witnesseth that in consideration of eight pounds of lawful money of Great Britain paid to her the said Elizabeth Symes by the said Ann Snelgrove at and before the signing hereof, and of the further sum of eight pounds agreed to be paid by the said William Butt for and on the part of the said Ann Snelgrove to her the sale Elisabeth Symes at the times and in the manner hereinafter mentioned. The said Elizabeth Symes hath agreed to sell and convey and by these presents doth sell demise and convey unto the said Ann Snelgrove all that Plantation or Fishing Room with all the storehouses, buildings, flakes, cellars, rooms, walks, passages, rights and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining or usually held, occupied or enjoyed therewith situate and being at Lower Island Cove Carbonear in the island of Newfoundland aforesaid and given to the said Elizabeth Symes in and by the Will of the said William Hiscock, and which premises are now in the actual possession of the said Ann Snelgrove. To hold the same and the said Ann Snelgrove her heirs executors, administrators and assigns from henceforth forever more free from all encumbrances and charges whatsoever. And the said Elizabeth Symes for herself her heirs, executors and Administrators doth covenant and agree to and with the said Ann Snelgrove her heirs and assigns that the said Elizabeth Symes her heirs Executors or Administrators shall and will at all times hereafter make and execute or cause to be made and executed any part or other act or deed for the better conveying of the said Plantation or Fishing Room and Premises unto the said Ann Snelgrove her heirs and assigns forevermore. And the said William Butt on the part of the said Ann Snelgrove doth agree and undertake to pay the said Elizabeth Symes or order the sum of four pounds at the end of one year from this time, and the further sum of four pounds at the expiration of two years from the date hereof.
In witness whereof the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the nineteenth day of March in the year one thousand and eighteen hundred and one.

Signed Elizabeth Symes, William Butt

Signed in the presence of J. Courtin, H. Rowden

Received on the day of the date hereof and from Ann Snelgrove the sum of eight pounds being the sum agreed to be paid by her to me.

Witness H. Rowden, J. Courtin, signed Elizabeth Symes

Received 12th January 1802 of Mrs. Ann Snelgrove (by the payment of Mr. William Butt) the sum of eight pounds being the two instalments agreed to be paid to me on the annexed contract and agreement and being the remainder of the purchase money for the premises therein comprised.

Witnesses H. Rowden, Thos. Waterman, signed Elizabeth Symes.

I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Bill of Sale from Elizabeth Symes to Ann Snelgrove and that the same is hereby actually registered by me this day



Page Contributed by Susan Snelgrove

REVISED BY: Ivy F. Benoit April 28, 2002

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