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Elizabeth Symes to Ann Snelgrove of Lower Island Cove - 1801 An Agreement of three parts had and made between Elizabeth Symes of the Town and County of Poole Widow of the late John Symes intestate deceased, and Devisee and Legatee named in the Will of her Grand Father William Hiscock late of ______ blank _______ Deceased of the first part, Ann Snelgrove of Lower Island Cove Carbonear in the Island of Newfoundland in North America of the second part and William Butt of Wimborne Minister in the County of Dorset Merchant of the third part. Signed Elizabeth Symes, William Butt Signed in the presence of J. Courtin, H. Rowden Received on the day of the date hereof and from Ann Snelgrove the sum of eight pounds being the sum agreed to be paid by her to me. Witness H. Rowden, J. Courtin, signed Elizabeth Symes Received 12th January 1802 of Mrs. Ann Snelgrove (by the payment of Mr. William Butt) the sum of eight pounds being the two instalments agreed to be paid to me on the annexed contract and agreement and being the remainder of the purchase money for the premises therein comprised. Witnesses H. Rowden, Thos. Waterman, signed Elizabeth Symes. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Bill of Sale from Elizabeth Symes to Ann Snelgrove and that the same is hereby actually registered by me this day
Page Contributed by Susan Snelgrove
REVISED BY: Ivy F. Benoit April 28, 2002
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