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Will of James Snelgrove In the name of God Amen. I James Snellgrove of Lower Island Cove Conception Bay being very weak in body but of perfect mind and memory blessed be God. I make this my last Will and Testament, and first my Soul I calmly recommend unto God, and my Body after being disunited to be decently interred in the earth waiting in God. I hope for a joyful resurrection at the last day to the realms of everlasting bliss; and with respect to my world property, I thus dispose of as follow. First the whole and sole (something was crossed out by transcriber and replaced with above, then initialed, looks like wholsale) property as I before mentioned I bequeath to my Espouse Ann Snelgrove while she remains a widow only with to the money I have in Mr. William Butts hands at Winbourn is not left at her disposal but to be levied unto her by my Executors at Ten Pounds per Annum while the said money may last: and in case my Widow should think fit to marry, to have no more claim of any of my property, but if otherwise she is to enjoy the same untill her decease: and then what may be left either in Money or any my moveable effects at home or abroad is to be valued and equally divided between my five Sons Jn (John) the eldest and as follows James, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but my Fishing Rooms House and Gardens and other my immoveable effects now situate in Lower Island Cove to be shared equally and divided between my four younger sons James, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Snellgrove, and in case my beloved Espouse should decease before my two youngest Daughters are of Age, my will is that my five sons aforementioned should be an equal part in sufficiently providing in what is wanting for my two daughters Rachel and Grace until they come of Age and further more I do request and chuse that my faithful friends William Garland and Thomas Robins should be the Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament: my Watch I bequeath as his right unto my oldest son John Snellgrove: but in case any Sons as afore mentioned should be so graceless as to be disobedient to their Mother my Espouse Ann Snellgrove, he or they are to be cut off from any part of or laying claim to any of my property as mentioned by Will: unto which I this day sign my hand. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true Copy of the Original Will of James Snelgrove, exhibited by and that the same is hereby actually Registered by me this day.
Page Contributed & Transcribed by Susan Snelgrove
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (November 19, 2002)
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