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Miscellaneous Deeds, Grants, Petitions & Wills
Henry Shepperd


In the name of God Amen.

I Henry Shepperd of Baydeverbs Conception Bay Newfoundland being very sick and weak but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God do make this my last will testament and what worldly goods God has been pleased to endow me with I bequeath in the following manner and form and in case it should please God to grant me further life and health that this shall be my only lawful will and that any other heretofore or hereafter made or that I shall be induced to make shall be void and of no effect this only to remain in force viz. ------------

First I bequeath my soul to God who gave it and my body to the earth to be buried in a decent Christian like manner I bequeath my part of the fishing room and plantation in Baydeverbs known by the name of Shepperds Room that is to say my one third of said fishingroom and plantation to Sarah Lynch My beloved niece and to her heirs and successors for ever to hold jointly and equally with those of the family my two late brothers bequeathed their share unto for her use and for the use of her heirs executors administrators and assigns ----

I bequeath my bed and bedcloths my chest and wearing apparel to my beloved sister Mary Stephens to be used agreeable to her wishes ---------

Further I request if it should please God to call on me out of my present illness to be buried at the sole charge and expense of Thomas Lynch the lawful husband of my niece Sarah Lynch and if it should please God that I should recover that the said Thomas Lynch will support me during the remainder of my days in witness whereof I have affixed my hand and seal in Baydeverbs Conception Bay Newfoundland this seventh day of June in the year of our Lord 1803 -----------------
In the presence of       Henry his X mark Shepperd
Thos Mongan
George his x mark Stickley
John Walsh
Ro Connell

I certify this to be a true copy of Henry Shepperds will Chas. Newhook J.P. New Harbor 18th March 1808

N.B. This done in Bay Deverbs aforesaid where no stamp papers is to be had the day and year above written -------------

This is a correct copy



Page Contributed by Lorraine Smith
This item was passed down from my Grandfather, Peter Hoskins whose family had Fishing Rooms in that area

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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