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In re William Kough deceased To the Honourable the Supreme Court of Newfoundland or one of the Honourable the Judges thereof. The Petition of Margaret Kough of Bonavista in the Island of Newfoundland widow humbly Shewith as follows.
Partitioner therefore prays that administration to the said estate and effects of said deceased may be granted when and as in duty bound she will ever pray. Newfoundland Sworn before me at Three days after the date here of Application will be made to the Honourable
the Supreme Court or one of the Honourable the Judges thereof for Administration
of the ? Estate of William Kough late of
Bonavista Merchant deceased to be granted to Margaret Kough of Bonavista
Page Contributed by Vince Hunter
REVISED BY: Ivy F. Benoit March 20, 2002
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