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Other Misc. Wills & Deeds
Patrick Kough & William Kough


Patrick Kough, TO William Kough,


Transaction: Selling land & Premises, Deed Poll

Cost: 100 pounds currency

Date: Nov. 19, 1866 in Bonavista

Description: Sell that parcel of land and premises situated at Bonavista and bounded as follows: on the north by William Walsh's room, on the south by Powell's and Readers room, on the east by Harbour Pond and on the west by the harbour of Bonavista together with all and singular the buildings and erections thereon, that is to say, one dwelling house, two stages, two stores and a stable and three flakes and all other buildings and erections and upon the said land and held as part and parcel thereof also one large boat at present in the possession of me said Patrick Keough and called the "Hound" and all boats, seines, nets,and other property used in the fishery and all personal chattels whatsoever with the exception of my cattle.

William Keough further states that Patrick Keough is to reside in and upon the said premises during his lifetime.

REGISTERED: Harbour Grace, March 29, 1867 & April 4th, 1867



Page Contributed by Vince Hunter

REVISED BY: Ivy F. Benoit March 27, 2002

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