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Other Misc. Wills & Deeds

Petition re Estate of
William Keough



In re William Keough       deceased
The surname contained herein is spelled both Keough and Kough

To the Honourable the Supreme Court or one of the Honourable the Judges thereof.

The Petition of John V. O'Dea of St. John's Newfoundland, merchant,


  1. William Kough of Bonavista Newfoundland, Merchant, died at Bonavista aforesaid on the 12th day of December 1894 intestate.
  2. The said intestate left him surviving his widow, Margaret, and as next of kin three children Francis Kough, John J. Kough and Mary Kough O'Dea the latter being then the wife of your petitioner.
  3. Letters of Administration of the Estate of the said William Kough deceased were granted by your Honourable Court to the said Margaret Kough on the 8th day of July 1895.
  4. The said Administratrix Margaret Kough died on the 5th day of January 1909 without fully administering the said Estate of William Kough and no Letters of Administration de bonis non of the Estate of the said William Kough have issued from your Honourable Court.
  5. The said Mary Kough O'Dea died in 1905 intestate and letters of administration of her Estate were granted to your petitioner.
  6. The said Francis Kough died intestate in 1918 and left him surviving as next of kin one brother the said John J. Kough and two Nephews and three Nieces children of the said Mary O'Dea, Madeline O'Connor O'Dea, William Mitchell O'Dea and Mary Agatha O'Dea.
  7. The said John J. Kough desires your petitioner to act as administrator de bonis non of the said Estate of William Kough and his written assent to this application is hereto annexed marked "A"
  8. A just true and full inventory and present valuation of the Estate of the said William Kough undistributed at the death of the said Margaret Kough is set forth in the paper-writing hereto annexed marked "B".

Your petitioner prays that Letters of Administration de bonis non of the Estate of the said William Kough deceased be granted to him and as in duty bound will ever pray &c.

St. John's the 6th day of March 1919.
J.V. O'Dea

St. John's to-wit.

I John V. O'Dea of St. John's aforesaid, Merchant the petitioner named in the forgoing petition make oath and say that the matters and things herein set forth are just and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

SWORN before me at St. John's
Aforesaid the 6th day of March 1919.
J.V. O'Dea
D.Q. Kent


KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I John J. Keough of Bonavista Newfoundland, Merchant, only survivor of the children of the late William Keough deceased

SEND GREETING: WHEREAS my late father the said William Keough having died intestate administration of his Estate was granted to his widow Margaret Keough, my mother, on the 8th. Day of May 1895

AND WHEREAS the said Margaret Keough died on the fifth day of January 1909 without fully distributing the Estate of the said William Keough

AND WHEREAS my sister Mary Keough O'Dea died in 1905 and her husband John V. O'Dea is her legal representative and as such has an interest in the said Estate of William Keough

AND WHEREAS I am desirous that the said John V. O'Dea of St. John's Newfoundland, Merchant, should apply to the Supreme Court of Newfoundland for letters of administration de bonis non of the said Estate of my late Father William Keough

NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS That I hereby assent to the said John V. O'Dea applying for such administration and that he be appointed administrator de bonis non accordingly.

IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto subscribed and set my hand and seal at Bonavista aforesaid this Third day of March Nineteen hundred and Nineteen.

SIGNED Sealed and Delivered
In the presence of       John J. Kough
John S. Rowsell


Bonavista      to-wit.
I John S. Rowsell of Bonavista aforesaid make oath and say that I was present and did see John J. Keough the party named in the foregoing instrument of assent duly sign seal and execute the same.
SWORN before me at Bonavista aforesaid
John S. Rowsell
This 3rd day of March 1919
John (?)


(hand written at top of page)
This is the paper marked "B" referred to in the petition dated this 6th day of March 1919 of John V. O'Dea and verified by his affidavit sworn before me this 6th day of March 1919.
D. O'Ke???


In the Supreme Court of Newfoundland

In the Estate of William Kough       Deceased.

Inventory and Valuation of the Property of the said Deceased:

(hand written line inserted here) unadministered at death of administratrix at present administration

Lands, Houses, Stores, &c., and any interest in Land 20000
Household Goods and Furniture100
Stock in Trade 
Book Debts and Promissory Notes 
Moneys secured by Mortgage 
Moneys due under Life Insurance 
Bank and other stock, Shares in Companies, &c. 
Securities for Moneys 
Cash on Hand 
Cash in Bank 
Ships, Boats, Nets, and other Outfit for the Fishery 
Horses, Horned Cattle, Sheep and Swine 
Farming Implements, and Produce of all kinds 
Other Property not before mentioned (if any) 

Page Contributed by Vince Hunter

REVISED BY: Ivy F. Benoit March 21, 2002

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