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Other Misc. Wills & Deeds
Henry Powell and John Keough



Registry of Deeds

Know all men by these presents that I Henry Powell of Bonavista Newfoundland for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty Shillings to me in hand paid by John Keough of Bonavista Newfoundland at and before this caling and delivery of these receipt or thereof I hereby acknowledge have bargained sold and confirmed and by these presents do bargin sell grant and confirm unto the said John Keough a tract of my fishing Room situated on Harbour Beach at Bonavista aforesaid bounds Forty feet West and East Eighteen feet from John Keoughs near shore North East and South West with all my Right Title and Interest in the aforesaid Ground or Beach to have and to hold all and singular the said Part of fishing Room or Beach by then presents bargained sold granted and confirmed unto the said John Keough to his only proper use and behoof his Executors administrators and assigns forever and I this said Henry Powell for myself my Executors Administrators and Assigns all and singular the said Part of my fishing Room or beach unto the said John Keough his Executors Administrators and assigns and against all and every other Person or Persons whatever shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents of which Piece of Beach I the said Henry Powell have put the said John Keough in all possession in the (?) of the said piece of Beach or fishing Room herein before (?) at the Sealing and delivery thereof in Witness or hereof I have hereunto affixed my Hand and Seal at Bonavista Newfoundland in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty eight.

Signed sealed and delivered
This twenty fifth day of November 1848
signed     "  
Henry his X mark Powell
In the presence of
John Laurency

I hereby certify that the execution of the foregoing deed was proved before me on the oath of the only witness on the twenty sixth day of August one thousand eight hundred and fifty one and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the said deed. Given under my hand this first day of October one thousand eight hundred and fifty one.
No. 18
William Sweetland
Registrar of Deeds



Page Contributed by Vince Hunter

REVISED BY: Ivy F. Benoit March 20, 2002

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