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Other Misc. Wills & Deeds
John Kennedy



1810, Nov 24th, 51st year Reign of George III, John Kennedy purchased land for 70 pounds from John Keating. Record HMSC St John's, NFLD March 8, 1813 Book DD folios 46,47,48 He did this to clear up the boundary between his land and his brother Patrick's which they inherited from their father James.


In 1817, on July 2nd, John Kennedy's will was read. Mary was the widow of John Kennedy of Gallows Cove

  1. Patrick married Martha 1818
  2. John married Margaret 1818   Dr Richard Shea (PDG) surgeon and Bridget Shea, guardian of Margaret. Witnesses Michael Neile, Fermeuse,planter and Mary Neill. John Neile, Fereuse (spelling?), planter and Mary Neile
  3. Johanna married Vincent Costigan 1811   (Joana deceased at time of reading of Mary Kennedy's will) Thomas Costigan only living child of Joana and Vincent Costigan
  4. Margaret was a minor (age 17) at the reading of this will.



Page Transcribed by Judy Barker (2002)

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (March 12, 2002)

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