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Other Misc. Wills & Deeds
James Kennedy



Will of James Kennedy December 4, 1776

NOTE: James might have been James John Kennedy.

James Kennedy, lying in his deceased bed and dividing his substance in manner and form as follows:

  • First: Leave and bequeath unto Patrick Kennedy and John Kennedy, the sum of Three Hundred pounds Sterling that is to say to be equally divided between them and the Room that I now occupy and all the craft that is in room, only allowing Catherine half the land that is now on room.

  • Second: I give unto my daughter, Joan Kennedy, the sum of Sixteen Pounds sterling.

  • Third: I leave and bequeath unto daughter Catherine Kennedy, one hundred Guinnies, the other side room Stage and Flakes as is now standing large Skiff and craft and best Nets and Room.

  • The above Patrick Kennedy is to have and hold the Westernmost Stage of three. The above John Kennedy is to clothe and maintain his Mother in proper manner.

  • The Barking Kettle is in Room to be equally divided between them all until they'll depart and then Patrick have it then. NOTE: Barking Kettle is used for processing the fish at the stages at the "fishing room".

  • In like manner Joan is to have and get middle aged cow that is now in place likewise Patrick and John are to find Joan one hundred weight of it's worth. Likewise the proportion what benefit that may arise from next summer voyage to be equally divided between my two sons, Patrick, John and Catherine.




Transcriber's Notes

The James Kennedy Will from 1776 was written in Harbour Main, Gallows Cove. He is my direct ancestor. It says unknown as to where he was at the time. I believe he is the original Kennedy from Ireland to Gallows Cove where he got all that land. He is the grandfather of Johanna Kennedy who is the first wife of Vincent Costigan. That is how Vincent and then later the Costigans got all their land in Harbour Main. James (1716-1776) buried in old Irish Cemetery there.

Judy Barker
St Petersburg, Florida
Researching Newfoundland, Ireland, Channel Islands


Note received from Les Winsor 2017
A Barking Kettle was a large iron cauldron used by fishermen in the making of a preservative used to treat fishing gear. Buds and bark from a spruce, fir, or other conifer tree would be placed in the bark pot. They would fill it 1/2 full and get the rine or bark off the fir tree [Var] and boil it all up. Then they would place their twine nets in the solution and it would help preserve the twines from the mildew and corrosive effects of sea water. Barked nets and sails were less prone to attacks by airborne fungi, bacteria, and marine organisms and therefore held a greater resistance to rot. Since the nylon type material is now used in the netmaking the Barking kettle have fallen into dis-use!!

Page Transcribed by Judy Barker (2002)

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit ( Thursday, 22-Jun-2017 18:53:56 ADT )

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