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Other Misc. Wills & Deeds
Garland Rawford Gaden to John Keough
re Maurice Flemming

Garland Rawford Gaden, TO John Keough, Dealer
Sheriff of the Northern Districtin re. Maurice Flemming

Event: Indenture

Place: Bonavista, Sept. 16, 1858

EVENT: Basically what transpires is that John Keough placed a writ of FISN FACIAS (unsure of the spelling due to the writing) from the Northern Circuit Court at the suit of the said John Keough against Maurice Flemming of Spillars Cove near Bonavista aforesaid Planter bearing debt the 19th September, 1856 for a certain debt of nine pounds sterling and also two pounds, eighteen shillings and four pense sterling for costs and which said writ was directed to the said sheriff and delivered to him for execution and whereas the said sheriff did execute and take possession of a certain piece or parcel of land and premises of the property of Maurice Flemming situate in or near Bayley's Cove near Bonavista, bounded on the north by William Wiffens and Thomas Haywards land, on the east by Bayley's Cove Pond, on the south by James Way's land and on the west by Joseph Carpenter's land. And he, the said sheriff, did afterwards, in the presence of said writ, suit, on the 4th, Oct., 1856, did expose for sale by public auction the sight title and interests of the said Maurice Flemming in aid? to the said land and premises heretofore mentioned and described and at such sale the said John Keough being the highest bidder was declared purchaser at and of the price and sum of twelve pounds and fifteen shillings currency by the sheriff.

REGISTERED: Aug. 19, 1865 and Aug. 24, 1865



This page Contributed and Transcribed by Vince Hunter

REVISED BY: Ivy F. Benoit March 27, 2002

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