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Other Misc. Wills & Deeds
Bartholomew Corban



Bartholomew Corban      Copy of his Will

In the name of God Amen

I Barth Corban of Clonfardy in the County of Waterford Ireland being weakly in health but in sound memory and under standing doth make my last Will and Testament in manner and form as following.

In the first place I give unto my beloved son Joseph Corbans eldest son and should he not have a son to his eldest daughter my fishing room from the Eastward part of Phillip and Joseph Corbans Room to the big tree on the westward side of Wm Bartlets Room as measured by John Moors and said Wm Bartlet It is my desire and request that Ground Barth Corban Junior holds he may hold the same during his life for his maintenance it is my will & pleasure that my Executors are to fulfill the contents of my Will to sue and recover any lawful debts and to pay any lawful debts that appear when amounts are attested it is also my request and that my son Joseph Corban may bring my Cow called the Star to Harbor Grace that he may dispose of that thereby he may be enabled to defray my funeral expenses I also give John Farrel Johns son one Cow and a Heifer that I also give unto my son Phillip Corban one half of my Mackarel Net the other half I give unto Thomas Farrell I also give unto Philip Corban my Chest of Drawers and Trunk and all the rest of my furniture to be divided by my Executors on a day and twelve months after I am dead between Joseph and Phillip Corban. It is also my request that my Cattle in the possession of John Anders Harrys son shall on the first day of October 1826 be delivered to my son Joseph Corban I also leave George Corban the Bed and Bedding now in his possession and my own Bed and bedding I give unto Peach Farrell I also request that a suit of mourning each be given to the following Ann Corban one suit Mary Mohan 1 suit Peach Farrell 1 suit and Mrs Corban Senior 1 suit. I also leave unto my son Joseph Corban my plantation at Clarkes beach I also leave John Farrell my Skiff. I also declare all other Wills whatsoever Null and Void in the presence of my testators this eight day of November 1825 as witness my hand.
Barth Corban Senr.
Joseph his x mark Corban
Richard Ryan

I hereby Certify that the execution of the foregoing Will by Bartholomew Corban was proved before me by Richard Ryan one of the Witnesses thereto on the sixteenth day of December one thousand eight hundred and twenty six and that the foregoing pages two hundred and seventy nine and eighty contain a true and correct copy of the said Will which is hereby actually Registered by me this day.
     Witness my hand at the Registrar of Deeds Office Harbor Grace Newfoundland this twenty sixth day of January one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven 1827.

John Stark



This page contributed by Frank Corbett

REVISED BY: Ivy F. Benoit June 24, 2002

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