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Other Misc. Wills & Deeds
Julia Burke


Volume 5
Folio 328

Will of Julia Burke
Died March 20, 1901
Probated June 25, 1901


St. Jacques
Fortune Bay

August 17 th, 1892

I, Julia Burke, widow of the late Patrick Burke, Merchant, of St. Jacques, being sound in mind, do declare this, my last Will and Testament.

I leave to my son Ambrose my dwelling house and furniture. Whatever money I have deposited, or otherwise, I leave to be divided equally between my four sons, Patrick, William, John and Ambrose.

I here appoint as executors to this my last Will and Testament, Denis Burke Sr. and Michael Burke Jr., both of St. Jacques.

Signed by witnesses, also signed in the presence of each other.

Heney R. Clinton
Patrick O* Burke

M. B. Sr.

D. B. Sr

Dated at St. Jacques
August 17, 1892

Julia(this X mark) Burke



Transcriber's Notes
* although this looks like an O, it could be a D.

Note: This will was transcribed from a photocopy from the Newfoundland Supreme Court of Newfoundland Records . However, the Volume & Folio numbers differ from those on our online index. Thus, they have been placed here until the discrepancy can be resolved.

Transcribed and Contributed by Paul Burke (May 2005)

Page Revised by Craig Peterman (Wednesday February 20, 2013 AST)

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