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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
John Bulger


Estate of John Bulger
Late of St. John's
In the Central district
Cooper deceased.

Administration to Anastatia Bulger
of St. John's aforesaid Widow
Dated the 14th of May 1867.

Estate sworn under $380

To The Honorable the Supreme Court of Newfoundland

The petition of Anastasia Bulger of St. John's Widow

Humbly Sheweth

That John Bulger of St. John's Cooper Died that place intestate about twelve years ago. That at the time of his decease said John Bulger was possessed of property situate within the jurisdiction of their Honorable Court of the probable value of about Three hundred and forty dollars. That he left him surviving petitioner who is his widow and seven children namely Anastasia, Mary Joseph, Ellen, Ignatius and Bridget ??? now residents in St. John's and Margaret, Catherine, and Patrick now resident in the United States. Petitioner therefore prays the Honorable Court that letters of Administration to the Estate and effects of the said deceased may be granted unto her and as in duty bound she will ever pray &c.
Anastatis her X mark Bolger
(Petition having been read over and explained.)
Robert J. Kent

In the Supreme Court
We the undersigned children of John Bulger late of St. John's Cooper deceased do hereby consent that administration to the estate and effects of the said deceased shall be given to Anastasia Bulger widow of the said deceased as is by the forgoing petition prayed. As witness our hands hereunto set as token aforesaid this 10th day of May Anno Domini 1867.
Mary Joseph Bolger
Ellen L. Bolger
B. G. Bolger

Robt. I. Kent



Note: We who have typed these wills, have made every effort to include all the errors that were on the microfilm, in order to avoid destroying the integrity of the originals, where ever they may be.

Page Contributed by Michael F. Bulger, Newburyport, MA, USA

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013 AST)

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