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As always, confirm these, as you would any other source material.
SUPREME COURT Be it remembered that on this Fourth day of Now the condition of this Obligation is such, That if
SUPREME COURT OF Bonavista We do swear that we believe Robert Brown late of Sworn at Bonavista John Stark ?
SUPREME COURT OF By the Honourable Richard Alexander WHEREAS James Bishop late of Bonavista Planter Deceased ( as is alleged ) lately died IN Testomony whereof we
SUPREME COURT OF Bonavista WE Do swear that We believe James
Sworn at Bonavista John Stark
This is a hand written document and very difficult To the Honouble Richard Alexander Tucker Esquire, The petition of Ann Brown of Bonavista Widow
Bonavista Northern Circuit Court Bonavista 3 October 1832, His Upon reading the petition of Ann Brown Widow of the
Transcriber's Notes |
These documents are excellent examples of paper work involved if someone died without a will. These documents, with lines, are printed forms with
information hand written in the blank spaces ie names dates etc. |
Page Transcribed by Keith Brown (2008)
Page Last Updated February 20, 2013 (Craig Peterman)
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