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Other Misc. Wills & Deeds
Robert Brown




Be it remembered that on this Fourth day of
October in the third year of the reign of our
Sovereign Lord William the Fourth by the Grace of
God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, & and in the Year
of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and thirty
personally appeared
Ann Brown of Bonavista Widow, William Brown of
Kings Cove Merchant and George Brown of
Bonavista Planter also James Brown of Bonavista
and did acknowledge This office ?? to be
held and firmly bound to
Our Sovereign Lord the King his Heirs and
Successors, in the penal Sum of Eight Hundred
Pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain, to
be had, made and levied on thier Goods, Chattels,
and Effects Jointly and severally if default is made
in any of the conditions following :

Now the condition of this Obligation is such, That if
the above Ann Brown Administratrix and William
Brown administrator to the estate of the late Robert
Brown of Bonavista Planter
deceased do make , or
cause to be made, a just, true and perfect inventory of
all and singular, the goods, credits, and effects of the
said deceased, which have or shall come to the
hands, possession, or knowledge of them the said
Ann Brown and William Brown or to the hands or
possession of any other person or persons for them
and the same so made do exhibit, or cause to be
exhibited, into the Supreme Court of Newfoundland,
at or before the thirtieth day of October next
ensuing the date hereof; and the said Goods,Chattels,
Credits, and effects of the said deceased at the time
of his death or which at any time afterwards shall
come to the hands or possession of them the said
Ann Brown and William Brown or to the hands or
possession of any other person or persons for them
shall well and truly administer according to Law, and
further shall make , or cause to be made, a just and
true account of thier said administration, on or
before the third day of October which will be in
the year of the Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred
and thirty two and afterwards from time to time as
they shall be lawfully required. And all the rest ,
residue, and remainder of the said Goods, Chattels,
Credits, and Effects, which shall be found remaining
upon the said Administration Account, the same being
first examined and allowed by the said Supreme
Court of Newfoundland, shall and do pay and dispose
of in a due course of Administration, or in such a
manner as the said Court shall direct;
--- then this obligation to be void and no effect, or else
to be and remain in full force and virtue.

Ann X Brown
in the presence of

John Stark ?
Clerk of the register
William Brown
Northern Circut Court

George Brown

James Brown





To Wit.

We do swear that we believe Robert Brown late of
Bonavista Planter
deceased died without a will; and
that we will well and truly administer all and every the
goods of the said deceased, and pay his debts so far
as his goods will extend;and that we will exhibit a true
full and perfect inventory of the said goods of the
deceased, and render a true account of our
administration into this registry of the said court within
twelve months from the date hereof, or when we shall
be thereunto lawfully required; and that the whole of
the Goods, Rights, Chattels, Assets, Credits, and
Effects of the said deceased, which he died
possessed of, within the jurisdiction of this Court, do
not, according to the best of our knowledge, judgment
and belief, amount to the value of nine hundred


Ann X Brown


William Brown

Sworn at Bonavista
The fourth day of
October in the year
of Our Lord One Thousand
Eight Hundred and Thirty Two

John Stark ?
Clerk of Register
Northern Circut Court





By the Honourable Richard Alexander
Tucker Esquire
Chief Judge, and the Honourable
Augustus Mallet Desbares
A Majestrate Judges of the said Court.
To Ann Brown of Kings Cove Widow and William
Brown of the same place Merchant

WHEREAS James Bishop late of Bonavista Planter

Deceased ( as is alleged ) lately died
interstate having whilst living, and at the time of his
death, divers goods, chattels, credits, and effects,
within the Island of Newfoundland, and within the
jurisdiction of the Supreme
Court; by reason whereof the sole ordering and
granting Administration of all and singular the said
goods, chattels, credits and effects and also the
auditing allowing, and finally discharging the account
thereof are well known to appertain wholly to the
Supreme Court; and we being desirous that the said
goods, chattels, credits and effects, may well and
faithfully administered, applied, and disposed of
according to Law, do therefore by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
having confidence in your fidelity and integrity,
nominate, ordain and appoint you the said Ann and
William Administrix and Administor
of all and
singular the goods, chattels , credits and effects of the
said deceased, within the Island of Newfoundland and
its dependencies, and do hereby grant you full power
and authority to demand , sue for ,recover and
receive the same in whosoever hands or custody
they remain and fully and freely to administer and
dispose of the same according to law; you being first
duly sworn that you will well and truly administer all
and every the goods of the said deceased and pay his
debts so far as his goods will extend and the law
requires; and that you will exhibit a true, full, perfect
Inventory of the said goods of the deceased, and
render a true account of your administration into the
Registry of the said Court, within twelve months from
the date hereof, or when you shall be thereunto
lawfully required; and being also further sworn that
the whole of the goods, rights, chattels, assets,
credits and effects of the said deceased donot
according to the best of your knowledge, judgment
and belief, amount to the value of three hundred
and ten
pounds sterling.

IN Testomony whereof we
have caused the Seal of the said Court to be hereunto
affixed this fourth day of October in the Year of
Our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty
and in the third Year of His Majestys Reign.

By Order






Bonavista WE Do swear that We believe James
Bishop late of Bonavista Planter
deceased died Wit
without a will and that we will well and truly
administer all and every the goods of the said
deceased and pay his debts as far as his goods will
extend; and that we will exhibit a a true full and
perfect Inventory of the said goods of the deceased
and render a true account of our Administration unto
the Registry of the said Court within Twelve months
from the date hereof, or when we shall be thereunto
lawfully required; and that the whole of the Goods,
Rights, Chattels, Assets, Credits, and Effects of the
said deceased, which he died possessed of , within
the jurisdiction of this Court, do not, according to the
best of our knowledge, judgement and belief,
amount to the value of Three Hundred and Ten
pounds sterling.


Ann X Brown


William Brown

Sworn at Bonavista
the Fourth day of October
in the Year of Our Lord One
Thousand Eight Hundred and
Thirty two

John Stark
Clerk of the Register
Northern District Court




[Transciber Note

This is a hand written document and very difficult
to read K.B.]

To the Honouble Richard Alexander Tucker Esquire,
Chief Judge and the Honourable Augustus Mallet
Desbares and Edward ??? Esquires Assisitant Judges
of the Honourable Supreme Court of Newfoundland.

The petition of Ann Brown of Bonavista Widow
humbly showeth.
That your petitioners husband Robert Brown late
of Bonavista Planter departed this life on the 11th day
of June last past leaving your petitioner and six
children , the oldest of whom is eleven years and the
youngest five months,him surviving, your petitioner
said late husband left property consisting of a drelling
house and stores, premises, land and a schooner,
altogether of the probable value of nine hundred
pounds and without leaving any will or testamentary
disposition of the same . Your petitioner being
desirous to dispose of the said Schooner and of
making other arrandments suitable to her present
circumstances must humbly request that your
lordships will be pleased to grant administration to her
for the estate of her said late husband.
And your petitioner



Ann X Brown


3 Oct 1832

Northern Circuit Court Bonavista 3 October 1832, His
Honour Chief Justice Richard Alexander Tucker Esq.
Presiding Judge

Upon reading the petition of Ann Brown Widow of the
late Robert Brown, Letters of administration to be
granted to her in conjuntion with William Brown
brother of the deceased (as guardian to the children )
to the estate of her deceased husband as required.

John Stark

Clerk of Register



Transcriber's Notes

These documents are excellent examples of paper work involved if someone died without a will.

These documents, with lines, are printed forms with information hand written in the blank spaces ie names dates etc.

Page Transcribed by Keith Brown (2008)

Page Last Updated February 20, 2013 (Craig Peterman)

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