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Will of Thomas O'Reilly Last will and Testament of In the name of God Amen This
is the last will and Testament of me Thomas O’Reilly of Placentia
in the Southern District of the Island of Newfoundland Stipendiary Magistrate.
I appoint my sons Reverend John A. O’Reilly D.D. at present of
St. John’s and William F. O’Reilly now of Benton in the aforesaid
Island Trustees and Executors hereof. And I give devise and bequeath
to my sons Reverend John A. William F. Patrick C. I.. And Thomas
J O’Reilly share and share alike subject to the restrictions
hereinafter made the following properties. Namely the house I now occupy
on Placentia Beach with ground fenced in and forming lot No 1 on Plan
of Placentia with all contained therein and thereon and comprising Furniture
Books etc. Stable, Cattle, implements etc Also the land situate at Bruley:
Mount Pleasant Farm and belongs: lot of Beach No. 2: Fish Store on Jubilee
Road plot of land near Furlongs, Churchyard lane and stage. I give devise
and bequeath the amounts from my Life insurance Policies viz one thousand
dollars each with their increments in the Great West and Canada
Life Assurance Companies, together with any other monies I may
die possessed of as follows, To my daughter Mary Ellen Nugent I will devise and bequeath one half the “Old House” she now occupies with the garden on the South end thereof; one lot of Beach No. 3 to her in trust for my Grand child, her daughter Sarah Estella Nugent. Also to my daughter Mary Ellen as above the garden in her possession at Little Gut, Dickson’s Hill and the sum of Fifty dollars cash. To my daughter Hannah I will devise and bequeath the right to live in the house I now occupy and partake of such support as its means may afford until she is married; also one half the “Old House” the garden attached thereto next to Andrew Grant’s property, the front plot and wood yard to be the joint property of herself and Mary Ellen. Also to Hannah I leave one plot of beach No 5 and at her marriage the sum of one hundred dollars cash. To my daughter Elizabeth Boyle I will devise and bequeath my properties in the North East Arm Placentia consisting of Jordan’s Cove Point and Herring Bay Point as set forth in the Grants for these places; fifty dollars cash and in trust for her son Thomas O’Reilly Boyle one lot of beach No. 4 To my daughter Bridget Neary (Bride) I will devise and bequeath the right to live in the house I now occupy and partake of such support as its means may afford until she will be married and at her marriage I leave her one lot of Beach No. 6 and one hundred and fifty dollars cash. In
leaving the greater part of my property to my sons as set forth
in the first paragraph of this will it is my will that with this property
goes the obligation of supporting the house and its inmate under the
terms of this Testament, to that end I desire that there may be no division
made of the property that would seriously affect that object
as the only means I leave for said support is the income from the house
and land, and whatever monies may be left after providing for the before
mentioned debts and legacies I certify the foregoing to be a correct copy of the last will and Testament of Thomas O’Reilly deceased Registrar (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Sheila Tiberio, Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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