Will of John O'Neil
from Newfoundland will books vol 11 pages 397 & 398 probate year
In re John O'Neil deceased
Bay-de Verde Newfoundland August 7th 1919. This is the
last will and testament of me John O'Neil of Bay-de Verde
annulling all other wills, previously made.
- 1. I do wish that my just debts if any also my funeral expenses
be paid by my executors.
- 2. I give and bequeath to the following priests.
- To the parish priest of Bay de Verde fifty dollars.
- To the parish priest of Northern bay fifty dollars.
- To the parish priest of Carbonear fifty dollars.
- To the parish priest of North River fifty dollars.
- To His Lordship the Catholic bishop of Hr Grace fifty dollars.
- To Rev. J. V. Donnelly P.P. of Conception fifty dollars.
- To Rev. P.D. O'Neil Hr Grace One hundred dollars. All the above
amounts to be said in masses for my soul.
- I give and bequeath to the Catholic Church of Bay de Verde one
hundred dollars.
- To Mount Cashel Orphanage one hundred dollars.
- To Belvedere Orphanage fifty dollars.
- To St. Vincent De Pauls Society fifty dollars.
- To St. Joseph's Orphanage Winnipeg-Manitoba fifty dollars.
- Also fifty dollars for masses for the repose of the soul of my
dear wife Ellen O'Neil to be given to Rev. P. D. O'Neil of Hr Grace
for that intention.
- I give and bequeath to my son M.J. O'Neil the house he now occupies
and ground on which it stands also the garden at East of house,
the garden in which his shop is built and McCarthys garden on the
hill also new stage now occupied by him and ground on which it
is built, - half codtraps and fishing gear, One third of fish flakes
his to be center portion, also ground on which flakes stand. Half
of old fish Store, one third cod liver oil plant, and one thousand
dollars in cash. Same to be held by him or his heirs for ever.
- I give and bequeath to my son Daniel O'Neil my late brother Michaels
House and ground on which it stands with garden at front of said
house and garden to the West of my son M.J. O'Neil's house, my
old stage and land on which it stands, my old shop and store adjoining
shop and ground on which they stand. One third of fish flakes the
Northern portion and ground on which said flakes stand, one half
of fish store, one half of codtraps and fishing gear. One third
cod liver oil plant with one thousand dollars cash the same to
be held by him or his heirs for ever.
- I give and bequeath to my son James F. O'Neil my dwelling house
and furniture and land on which said house stands, the gardens
to the West and back of said house, the garden in which is (his?)
shop is built. One third of cod liver oil plant also all new buildings,
shop, fishstore and stage which he erected and ground on which
said buildings stand and one thousand dollars cash the same to
be held by him or his heirs for ever.
- I give and bequeath to my three sons, Michael, Daniel and James,
the store known as lower store, Launchway on West of James's stage
also cellar near Daniel's shop to be owned jointly between the
three of them. The stable and land on which it stands to be owned
by my sons Daniel & James. If my son Daniel remains single my son
J. F. O'Neil will let him live with him and if he Daniel gets married
and wants to live in his Uncles house James is to help him repair
it and stand half the expense.
- I give and bequeath to my daughter Ellen Kennedy eight hundred
dollars and if there should be any money left over after all the
above amounts are paid my daughter Ellen Kennedy is to get the
- I do hereby nominate and appoint my two sons Daniel and James
as the executors to my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand this seventh day of August
in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and nineteen. Signed John
O'Neil. Signed and delivered by the said John O'Neil as
and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his
presence and at his request and in the presence of each other have
subscribed our names hereunto as witnesses thereof. Signed Edward
Crocker Const. Michael Rays.
Correct William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland.
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Fiat Dec 10/19
Horwood CJ.
Probate granted
to Daniel
O'Neil and
James T.
O'Neil Dec 11/19.
Estate sworn
at $14,966.07