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Will of Timothy O'Leary In re This is the last Will and testament of me Timothy O’Leary of Small Point in the Electoral District of Bay de Verde, Fisherman. I revoke all former wills by me at any time made and I appoint Richard Fahey of Small Point Executor of my will. I give to my son Jeremiah O’Leary the land and property given him
when he started life. This includes the garden known as Corbetts bounded
on the West by John Hayden’s land, on the North by Mark
land, the remainder bounded by the Clift and the land on which his house
stands and what he present occupies. I also give him a strip of hay land
bounded on the east by R. Southwell’s land
on the south by public road on the west by uncleared land and separated
by a ridge of uncleared land, on the north by uncleared land and
runs on a straight line with Southwells corner stake. I give him
in addition to above a piece of uncleared land bounded as follows
On the North by his cabbage garden, on the east and south by land
he now occupies on the west by slide path and runs on straight line
with corner stake of his cabbage garden, I give to my three grandsons Richard O’Leary, William John O’Leary, and Ronald O’Leary the remainder of my property this includes dwelling house barn and all other outhouses, Cattle, Sheep, horse all farming implements also all the land not otherwise specified to be equally divided amongst them. I also give them the part of the fishing room I at present occupy and all the unoccupied land I own to the north of it. I Timothy O’Leary wish for my daughter-in-law Dora O’Leary to use and enjoy above said property until her death. In case she should marry again she will be deprived of this right. I
give the I give to my four daughters Mary, Bridget, Catherine and Johanna. Ten Dollars each $10.00. This money is to be paid them from amount of One hundred and fifty dollars $150.00 which I have deposited in Bank of Nova Scotia Western Bay in my daughter in laws name Dora O’Leary’s trust. Thirty dollars of this money go for Masses for me. The balance is to erect a headstone and defray funeral expenses. In case the interest on the $150.00 deposited
in Dora
trust is not withdrawn before my death
witnesses T.P. King CORRECT. (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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