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Will of Harriet Grace Oke, widow of Robert Oke, Last will and Testament of This is the Last Will and Testament of me Harriet G. Oke of Killegrews in the district of Harbor Main in the Island of Newfoundland, Widow. First I revoke all other wills by me at anytime heretofore made. Second I direct that my just debts and testamentary and funeral expenses be paid out such moneys as may be mine at the date of my death. Third Out of such moneys I direct my executor hereinafter named to put in order the graves of my father and mother in Conception Bay. Fourth Out of such moneys as I may be possessed of at the time of my death I bequeath the sum of Twenty-five Dollars to my kind friend Miss M. J. Ellis of Charlottetown in Prince Edward Island to be expended in the purchase of a black silk Dress. Fifth Whatever sum shall remain over out of my quarterly allowance from the Government after the payment of such sum as shall be due by me for board and lodging I bequeath to Anna Maria Furneaux Sixth All the rents issues and profits which may be due me under the will of my late husband and arising out of certain landed property of his situate and being in the town of Sherbourne in the County of Dorset in England I give devise and bequeath unto Francis F. Funeaux of Killegreus aforesaid. Seventh I give and bequeath unto Anna Maria Furneaux my gold ring, unto Francis F. Furneaux my chest of drawers during his life and after his death unto Mrs. Harriet Garland or her heirs; unto Mrs C. Macpherson my wash table unto Sophie wife of late Thomas Withycombe my work box unto Mrs Eliza Furneaux a cushion and unto Mrs. P Macpherson a Cushion; unto Alice Scott my writing Desk unto Mr Francis F Furneaux my Sideboard, Stove Bed and Bedding and all the residue of my household furniture, unto Mrs. Joseph Furneaux the portrait of my brother Joseph unto Francis F. Furneaux the portrait of my sister Mrs Gaird and her husband and of Mrs Sinclair during his life and after his death unto C Macpherson or his heirs. Eigth Unto my best friend Campbell Macpherson of St Johns merchant I give and bequeath my gold watch and chain as a token of affection and gratitude for his kind attention and affectionate regard to me during my widowhood. Ninth Out of such monies as I may be possessed of at the time of my death I bequeath a sum sufficient to purchase a good work box for one of the daughters of Mrs C Macpherson Tenth All the residue of the moneys of which I shall be possessed or to which I shall be entitled at the time of my death I give and bequeath unto Mrs Eliza Furneaux and Mr Frances F Furneaux to be divided equally between them. Eleventh I appoint Campbell Macpherson of St Johns merchant to be sole executor of this my last will and testament Dated at Kelligrews the twenty fifth day of September 1896. witness my hand, Harriet G her X mark Oke Signed published and declared by the said Harriet G. Oke as and for her last will and testament in our presence who in her presence in the presence of each other and at her request have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses. The same having been over to her. (sgd) Edward Colley William H. Tilly This section contributed by Sheila Tiberio & Judy Benson I certify the foregoing to be a correct copy of the last will and Testament of Harriet G. Oke deceased D. M. Browning (Listed in the margin next to this will the following) Note provided by Colleen Haynes - Harriet Furneaux was born in 1805 (from Kelligrews) and married Robert Oke of Sherborne, Dorset on July 23, 1855. Harriet died in 1899 and was buried in Foxtrap, Newfoundland. Note received by email from Geoff Martin
Will contributed by Colleen Haynes
Margin comments contributed by Sheila Tiberio & Judy Benson
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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