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Will of Thomas Murley In re Will of Thomas Murley Know all men That I Thomas Murley of Petries Bay of Island N.F.L. being of sound mind and memory Do now make my last will and testament Hereby revoking any will or agreement formerly made by me First I do hereby give and bequeath to my wife Susannah Murley my
house and all contents there in All Sheep Cattle or any live Stock
I may own at my death The land on which my house
now stands This land comprises all that land between the river and
Dormans fence and running from the main All I do give and bequeath to my son Elwin all that parcel of land now occupied by him I do further give and bequeath to my Stepson Henry D Lewis all that piece and parcel of land now occupied by him and 100 Square of land on the point near George Allens house This land measures 100 feet from High water mark South along Water - from Road and 100 along water front Thus forming a square 100 feet on all sides All other land belonging to water side premises will belong to my wife I do hereby provide and stipulate that all property now bequeath to my wife shall be hers untill her death and after her death shall be divided between my son Elwin & my Stepson Henry D Lewis I do request and appoint Mr George
Allen as my executor and desire
that all provision in my will shall carried out
Witness Henry Petley Geo Allen. CORRECT. (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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