Will of William Munden from Newfoundland will books volume 2 pages 21 to 23 probate year 1851.
In the Estate of deceased.
This is the last will and testament of me William Munden of Brigus in Conception Bay in the Island of Newfoundland Esquire, I will and bequeath to my wife Olivia Munden the dwelling house I now live in and all the furniture and bedding, also the house and garden occupied by Thomas Spracklin, also half the Pond adjoining my dwelling house also the horse "Bob" with sleigh and harness, also the one half of my new Pew in the Wesleyan Chapel also one cow and calf also the Long Meadow near Mr. Leamons also the little store near my dwelling house and also the sum of one thousand five hundred pounds sterling money. I will and bequeath unto my sons Azariah Munden and Robert Munden to be equally divided between them by my executor all my waterside property consisting of stores wharves and all erections thereon Azariah is to have the western half and Robert the eastern half.
I will and bequeath unto my son Azariah Munn all that land and premises bounded by Michael Way Thomas Munden and the property of the late Nathaniel Munden also the sum of one thousand pounds sterling. I will and bequeath to my son Robert Munden my schooner the "Brothers" with all her boats and tackling also all that land and premises bounded by Philip Plowman on the old road leading to Cupids with the dwelling house cellar stable and all other erections thereon and also the sum of one thousand pounds sterling. I will and bequeath unto my son Reuben Munden the dwelling house at present occupied by my son Azariah Munden also half the Pond adjoining thereto and also the sum of one thousand pounds sterling and I direct my executor to send to Scotland for my said son Reuben and place him under the care of my son-in-law Doctor Allan. I will and bequeath to my daughter Naomi Munn wife of John Munn, Esquire, the Brick house occupied by W. Stentaford and the sum of one thousand pounds sterling.
I will and bequeath to my daughter Susannah Allan wife of William Allan, Esquire, the stone house I purchased from Mr. Harris and all the meadows cellar gardens and lands thereunto appertaining and also the sum of one thousand pounds sterling. I will and bequeath to the Wesleyan Missionary Society sixty feet east and west of the meadow (running across) for the purpose of building a Mission House thereon. I will and bequeath to my sister Catherine Parsons the sum of forty pounds sterling. I will and bequeath to my sons Azariah and Robert my old Pew in the Wesleyan Chapel and to the children of my son Azariah the xxx other half of my new Pew in the said Chapel. I will and bequeath to each of my grandchildren hereafter named the sum of one hundred pounds sterling each, that is to say Elizabeth Munden, Julia Munden and Nathaniel Munden children of my son Azariah, Isabella Munn Elizabeth Munn, William Munn, Susannah Munn and Jessie Munn children of my daughter Naomi, Susannah Allan, William Allan, John Allan and Selby Allan, children of my daughter Susannah Allan, and Naomi Munden daughter of my son Robert Munden I will and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my property not hereinbefore disposed of shall be realized and equally divided among all my sons and daughters and my wife aforesaid share and share alike. I will and bequeath to the Wesleyan Methodist Society the sum of one hundred pounds sterling to assist in building a Mission house in Brigus provided the said House is erected near to the house I have bequeathed to William Allan, Esquire, and provided also the said Society shall yield back to my estate the sixty feet of land hereinbefore bequeathed. I hereby appoint John Munn of Harbor Grace, Esquire, to be sole executor to this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Brigus aforesaid this twenty second day of March A.D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty one-1851.
William Munden (LS) Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator on the day and date here in our presence who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses attesting the due execution hereof the words "I hereby appoint John Munn of Harbor Grace Esquire to be sole executor to this my last will and testament" having first been interlined. Daniel Walsh. John Leamon. John Stake.
Codicil. By this my codicil to my last will and testament I hereby bequeath to my wife Olivia Munden my likeness taken by Mr. Valentine some years ago provided that it be first sent to England for the purpose of taking a copy for each of my children during the next summer, say, one for each of my sons Reuben Azariah and Robert, and for my daughters Naomi and Susannah to be paid for from my estate. I further order and direct that after the payment of the legacies stated in my will and that the remainder of the property is realised and all my just debts paid, that the residue be equally divided among my children Reuben, Azariah Robert Naomi and Susannah share and share alike. And I hereby cancel and annul any other settlements I may have made not in consonance with this arrangement. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Brigus aforesaid this twenty eighth day of March A.D. 1851. William Munden (LS) Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator of the day of the date thereof in our presence who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses attesting the due execution thereof John Leamon, James Moran.
Codicil 2. By this my codicil to my last will and testament I hereby devise to my grandchildren Elizabeth Munden, Julia Munden, and Susannah Munden children xx of my son Azariah all houses and lands with other hereditaments bequeathed to my son Reuben Munden after his decease to revert to the said children of my son Azariah. Furthermore I devise to my grandson William Munn on the demise of my wife Olivia all houses lands and other hereditaments bequeathed by me to my said wife Olivia. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Brigus this the twenty ninth day of March A.D. 1851.
William Munden (LS) Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator of the day of the date thereof in our presence who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses attesting the due execution thereof, John Leamon, James Moran.
Certified Correct, D. M. Browning Registrar
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