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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Patrick Moriarty


Will of Patrick Moriarty
from Newfoundland will books volume 8 pages 376 to 378 probate year 1908

In re
      Patrick Moriarty          deceased.

      This is the Last Will and Testament of me Patrick Moriarty of Harbor Grace in the Island of Newfoundland Fisherman Planter. I give and bequeath to my son Edward Moriarty the land I now occupy with the Dwelling House thereon and all appurtenances thereto, after the death of my wife Mary Moriarty.
I give and bequeath to my son Edward Moriarty the sum of Five Hundred Dollars. I give and bequeath to my son Edward Moriarty all the furniture in my dwelling house afer the death of my wife Mary Moriarty. In case my son Edward Moriarty dies before my wife Mary Moriarty the land with the dwelling house thereon and furniture contained therein shall revert to my wife Mary to be disposed according to her good will    I give and bequeath to my wife Mary Moriarty the sum of one Thousand Dollars    I give and bequeath to my son William Moriarty the sum of Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars. I give and bequeath to my wife the balance of my money about Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars.
I give and bequeath to my sons Joseph William and Edward my Fishing Room at Murray’s Harbor Labrador including a dwelling house store and stage, two Codtraps and all the fishing gear thereon. I give and bequeath one Cod-Trap to my sons John and Francis. I give and bequeath one Cod seine to my sons John, Francis, Joseph, William and Edward. I give and bequeath to my sons John and Francis one dwelling house at Murrays Harbor known as the “New house” I direct that my Funeral and Documentary expenses and any debts which I may owe be paid out of the above mentioned money legacies proportionately
I give and bequeath to Revd. W Finn of Harbor Grace my Insurance money of one Hundred and Forty Dollars as an offering for Masses for the repose of my soul     I appoint my wife Executor of this my last will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Harbor Grace this 23rd day of January A.D. 1908    Patrick Moriarty     Signed sealed and delivered in presence of after having been read over and explained to the said Patrick Moriarty who seemed to perfectly understand the Contents thereof W.H. Kennedy W.J. Lynch

I hereby make this codicil    I revoke and cancel section 3 of my foregoing Last will and Testament    I give to my wife Mary the sum of Five Hundred Dollars in trust for my son Edward to be paid to him by her at her good will and pleasure and whenever she thinks fit and proper to do. If this sum of money be not paid over to him in the meanwhile my son Edward is to take full possession of the same after the death of my wife Mary. Patrick Moriarty (LS) Signed sealed and delivered in presence of having been read over and explained to the said Patrick Moriarty who seemed to perfect fully understood the contents thereof W.H. Kennedy     W. J. Lynch

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Feb. 17 08
Feb 18. 08
granted to
Mary Moriarty



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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