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Will of Ambrose Moores Senior In re In the name of God know all men by these presents that I Ambrose Moores Sen. of Freshwater Conception Bay do con Strickly and appoint this my last will and Testament I give and bequeath to my said wife Laura Moores after my death she is to received forty dollars $40 twenty in $20 check and twenty a note is to be taken from J Rorkes and sons for her that is her part and the rest that is left on Mr. J. Rorke Sons books belonging I Ambrose Moores is to be turned over to my son Ernest I give to my two sons Earnest and Reuben all the property I possess and my tree Daughters Didam Emily Wesley is to live in my house till they gets husbands and then they is clear off all. I do here by witnes and acknolledege that this is my last will and testament and that I am of a good mind and memory signed under my hand before these my two witness this 13th day of December signed Ambrose x Moores witness (sgd) Leonard x Parsons (sgd) William x Noel Certified correct, (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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